HEARTHSTONE: Lakkari Sacrifice Deck FTW!
There are sometimes while playing Hearthstone where you have to take one for the team. In this deck you have to take 6 for the team and hope that you can survive to witness the dark horror of a portal unleashing infinite imps waiting for you command.
You can't just through 6 cards out though. Playing the Warlock is a challenge as his hero power takes two life from you each time it is used to get an extra card. With this legendary Lakkari Sacrifice card, the entire deck must be filled with cards that discard other cards without leaving you vulnerable to the opponent.
The stars were on my side, and I was able to not only open the portal (mere mortals can achieve this!) but pull away with a solid win as well.
My video is at DLive
All games must have obstacles but we have to learn first how the game game to win the game, thank you for sharing
Hi @rubenalexander, good post on Dlive ..
Good luck