Smash Bros. King of The Hill - On DLive at 7pm EST! Win $5 USD or SBD [MMG]
Today we're bringing KOTH(king of the hill) to for the first time! MMG hosts weekly online events/streams where players can win cash, crypto and other prizes for winning at their favorite games! We are online competitions, we are @moneymatchgaming. Git Gud.
Event will begin at 7pm EST(4pm PST)
on &
What is KOTH? How do I play? (Smash Bros. Wii U)
King of The Hill (KOTH) is a 1v1 Smash Bros. Ladder match. The winner of each match will remain on stream (the hill), and the loser will fall to the bottom of the list of competitors.
Winning a match will give you 1 point. You need 10 points/wins to be victorious.
If you are on the Hill, and win a few matches, but then lose, you will retain your wins, but be placed at the bottom of list. You will have a chance to add to your wins, once you get back to the top of the rotating list of players.
As a part of MMG's rules of participation, in 2018 ALL COMPETITORS MUST upvote this post in order to be eligible for a prize after their third FREE event of 2018. All new competitors of the MMG community are gaurenteed 3 free events, before they must either upvote this post (1 upvote per event), or make a donation of any amount to MMG via paypal or Steemit (and yes, we will accept 1 cent if that's what you want to give).

To Sign-up for Tonight's Event:
via Steemit/DLive- if joining via Steemit or, comment on this post or Dlive chat with "!join" followed by your Twitch username & nnid (nintendo id).
via if joining via, type in MMG's chat with "!join" followed by your nnid.
Link To DLive Stream
Link To Twitch Stream
Hydroclty. SuperLuigi15
K I'm gonna try to take this one like the last one.
You got a 3.92% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @moneymatchgaming!
ayye, good luck @realms
@ijustarted hey, nice meeting you! :)
it happens from timeto time, but its popping up again
Also if you like that kind of music you might want to check out a song I made based on acestoaces trap tutorial video.
and I forgot to mention what I stream. Most of the time I stream Pokemmo ( an Pokemon mmorpg based on the pokemon roms firered/ermerald and black or white. I also stream Warframe and whatever just comes to my mind :D
got you! @hydrocity