Very Stoked About Steemit's Upcoming Streaming Service DLive
Stoked about @dlive going... live in near future.
This will be so much of a streamer magnet, especially for small streamers who just started and don't reach twitch's payout limit which was raised by 100% to 200$ recently. On twitch you have to grow first before being able to earn. On @dlive you can earn from day one.
No matter how high or low the payout limit is, it's not cool. Twitch already takes a margin of what streamers earn.
I only noticed this because I was accepted to gather subscriptions and my collected revenue vanished at the end of the month.
Thanks but no thanks!
Regarding @dlive the awesome part for me, and I bet for all kinds of streamers as well, is that DLive will follow Steemit's example without restrictions - meaning, additionally to being able to send and receive tips/donations via transfer current streams will also get the option of being upvoted as the stream goes on.
Thanks for stopping by
I play Maplestory LUNA and some DOOM
Comments and questions are welcome
Best Wishes

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
What's the point? You reach 200$ and then withdraw. Do you want earn 1 $ every day?
Would be a start. Not everyone is a full time streamer and has a huge following
yeah, but twitch also offers refunds for people who pay for subscirbing and the like, that's why they need time for the money to settle in first....
All transactions in crypto currency are final that's why they are faster than the traditional but can be very frustrating when you make a mistake. (I don't think that would happen in DLive system though)
Maybe but the good thing on steemit is that you have to put in your password before sending out funds so you have the extra step of time to think about what you are doing. Vote wise you can always take your vote back