Surviving Mars Test Stream
My first go at streaming on DLive, testing my set up by playing Surviving Mars.
My live stream is at DLive
STREAM ENDED - well, that was fun. My bitrate was too high to start with, and I eventually dialled it down to 1500. Will give this another go and continue building my Mars colony. Thanks to those who joined me.

Hey Muxxy! It's been ages since I've been around the Block, DLive has take over my Steemit life. Stoked to see you here! If you have any questions about streaming, OBS settings and whatnot, feel free to DM me on Discord ;)
Cool, you got live streaming to work.
The game looks interesting, been eyeing it for a while, but haven't bought it so far.
Yup I can see that, the stream seems crisp 👌
Awesome, thanks for letting me know
Although, and it could be just me, but it gets interrupted and starts loading from time to time... Mind if I ask what bitrate you are using? 2000? 3000?
Had to restart, I forgot to order a transporter...doh!
2500..too high?
Thanks, think I figured it out ;-)
dropped to 2k
It's all about experimenting and finding out what works best for you. Like, download the replay of your stream once you're done and check how well it went and so on. You are a bit closer to the States geographically-wise, so maybe 2500 works for you :D Have a good one, I'm gonna do some streaming of my own.