Getting my garden back on track - Part 1
When I left for Europe, I had faith that a certain someone would take care of the garden in my absence, but unfortunately it didn't happen LOL.
Then some more weeks passed by while I spent time with a friend visiting (you can check the previous videos of what we've been up to here and here) and then life just happened. Mainly work, and also me being plain lazy. Also, when you know a task will take a lot of effort and time, you put off doing it. The result is this jungle of a garden which I really need to get back in shape and grow some new stuff.
Check out this disaster and some work I did!
Stay tuned for more videos about my progress!
PS: @seveaux produced the music in this video. If you enjoy the sound, check out his page and give him a follow!
I truly enjoy collaborating with other steemians on my videos, be it in the form of interviews, music or anything else I can come up with. If you're interested in collaborating, contact me on discord!

My video is at DLive
Initiative, wonderful work!
I liked it .. nice video from you
Thanks for sharing..
merci, @slimanepro =)
you have a beautiful garden !!! i'm jaleous :P you will laugh at my garden for sure
thanks Seveaux! To be fair it's not really my garden, we're just renting on the property, but the owner let's me "play" with it =)
I had my daughters strawberry plant and some tomato plant my neighbor was supposed to care for while I was in Mexico..... that didn’t happen... my sons plant is ok.... my daughter strawberries on the other hand ... not so good
ahhhh that's sad! A garden is like a baby, if you don't give it any love, it can't survive. Glad at least one plant is OK =) Thanks for stopping by!