RE: Message for @asbear - Bring back the old version of!
With all due respect, winner don't claim their own win. Without that last phrase, I did gave you my 100% respect already. Now, the respect has been discounted a little🤣. Also I notice you have answered to @kaliju on this matter where clients would love to have exclusive "login" verification, I believe they're going 1 step ahead, things that I haven't even think of, a blockchained PLU system I believe? So, a logon is required because all the product storewide will be securely coded with their pricing. Unlike buying 1 sandwich, 1 invoice is easy. If a customer came and wanted to buy 10 cans of beer, 30 rolls of toilet paper, and 5 live chicken, by the time only the shop owner start creating invoice, that will be taking too long, and the transaction memo will be too brief to record all the necessarily detail. Wiht a proper store log on, I think they don't need a POS system anymore? Phone camera will be able to direct scan barcode, get pricing from store detail, and finalized with a subtotal for all purchases. Buyer can choose to steemconnect pay or direct who knows in future if a registered buyer can have their own payment card like a T-card only difference is this 1 load crypto! Who knows one day I will be using my SteemCard to ride Humetro 😎
Thanks again @asbear for taking time to answer me, them, all of us. From your reply, not a bad idea to charge extra commission for those unregistered transaction. At least you're offering them choice. I will pinch @kaliju's butt and get him patiently waiting for an even better version of Steempay. Cheers
Thanks. As long as the seller logs in they can use the same feature. This is unavoidable unfortunately because the invoice creation API without an authentication can be very risky. You cannot limit API call by user, by session or anything. Then anyone can attack my API and
fill up the DB with fake data which will cause many problems.
The user interface will evolve with the this kind of feedback. I think simply adding a price input area in the sell page will do the same.
Many thanks for your kind words and explanations!