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RE: Lonely Cyclops (original improv song)
Huh the video is not playing for me. Just audio. i guess I am having lots of technical issues with dlive, in this case I uploaded a video after trying to live stream last night. Hopefully I get it sorted out
dood, get your vid over to d toob. the dTube rox--and we gotta see more of da monsta . . .

Yeah, I did at least upload to Youtube so you can see more of da monsta in the post above now. One of my least nefarious purposes in creating this account was to use it for experimenting with DLive as a DTube alternative. Also to look into the live streaming aspect of DLive, although my first experimentation with that was a total failure. Since then I have updated the firmware on my new webcam though and that might help. Cyclops is not a quitter, momma cyclops didn't raise no quitters, so look for more trial and error to come on this account :)
if only you had a pit boss to help you through these exigencies . . .
Now you have me wondering if I can utilize my bong through the mask :)
if you'll agree to submit to a burst of interstitial subdominal brain penetrations, science will have a better understanding of how these animations designed to hypnotize and control humans will be assimilated by a monocular being such as yourself:
they may even mellow you out--or drive you so mad you'll be sucking the marrow out of broccoli stalks.