Chinese poem - "Migration" - the joy of migrating to steemit 移居二首 陶淵明

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone! Thanks for dropping by to check out our first Tang poetry post. Tang poetry is the golden period of Chinese literature, and anyone who is studying or interested in Chinese literature will no doubt find it worthwhile to spend some time exploring it. Although Tang poetry dates back to over a thousand years, they’re actually not that old and stuffy and boring as you may think. Once you break it down, they’re quite easy to understand. They can be light hearted, fun and sometimes romantic, and often we can easily relate it back to our modern day life.

Today, we’re going to introduce the first Tang poem, explain what it means in plain English, and express it through contemporary music and artwork. But first of all, let me give you a very brief background on Tang poetry.




How did Tang poetry evolve? 唐詩是怎樣誕生的?

To understand the origins of Tang poetry better, we’ll quickly do a crash course on the history of Chinese poetry first.

Pre Tang poetry are known as ancient classical poetry versus neo classical poetry. The Classic of Poetry or the Odes are the oldest collection of Chinese poetry which dates between 11th to 7th century BC. Odes works are generally 4 word lines with no clear sentence structure, rhyme or tonal patterns. There are 3 main genres in Odes - Feng, Ya and Song - Tang Poetry is based on Feng which is folklore that reflects everyday life in society. Works in Odes are written in three main styles. Fu is a direct descriptive style, Bi is metaphor and Xing is where the author gets inspiration from his surroundings.

Fast forward to the 475 to 221 BC, Chu State was located around the central southern part of modern day China. Their poetry were rich in imagination and emotions, with a more liberated and disorder style of writing. Chu Ci is a collection of works from this period, and inspired the liberal and romanticism style of Tang poetry.



In the Han Dynasty (206 BC to AD220) the Music Bureau or Yuefu started their own collection of folksongs and ballads. Yuefu followed Odes tradition of a realistic approach, and a narrative style of writing was prominent during this period. Another major trend during this period was the change from 4 word to 5 word lines in the poems.

By the Wei Jin era in the 5th century, Gongti Poem was gaining popularity, but it is often described as more of style over substance. Poets were more stricter with the structure of their works, such as the inclusion of duality and rhythm. Gradually Gonti Poem developed into the orderly structure required by Tang Poetry.

And here’s our crash course on the history of Chinese poetry. So without further ado, let’s look at our first poem “Migration” 《移居二首》.





Starting from the basics

為什麼首先為大家介紹東晉五言詩《移居二首》? - 由淺入深


This is an beginner’s poem from the Dong Jin era in the 5th century (in the above we just talked about the Wei Jin era in the 5th century, these were turbulent times with many fragmented states). The words in the poem are relatively simple and concise, with a clear and neat structure, and many ending words that rhyme. Although the poem is not from the Tang poetry, many features are consistent with it. We also chose this poem because it aligns with our thinking on why we started this project.


The poem is about the author moving to a utopia like village where he meets many like minded people, and spend their days drinking wine, appreciating literature, homesteading and enjoying life leisurely.

The Chinese Culture Project was born under similar circumstances. We realised there are a lot of like minded people here on Steemit who love poetry and literature, who are interested and open to learn more about different cultures, so this is a perfect platform for us to develop and promote our project.

We’re also quite similar to the poetic style of “Migration” as we’re still in our infancy and are still developing ourselves. We’re open to all feedback, criticisms and suggestions so we can better ourselves. We hope in the future we can start a Chinese version of Troubadour on Steemit where we combine classical poetry with modern music, so people can appreciate Chinese culture in a contemporary manner.






The background 《移居二首》的創作背景

Tao Yuanming 陶淵明 (photo from Wikipedia)

“Migration” was written by Tao Yuanming, believed to have lived around 365 - 427. He was a government official but didn’t like the rat race and the politics that came with the job so he resigned and went to live in reclusion in the countryside for most of his life. His daily life consisted of writing poems and drinking wine with his like minded neighbours and farming to ensure sustainability.




The composition <移居二首> 譯文

The poem consists of 24 lines. We have broken it down to six four line blocks to make it easier to explain.


How the idea of migration started 移居的念頭由來

            昔欲居南村,非爲卜其宅。 xī yù jū nán cūn , fēi wéi bǔ qí zhái
            聞多素心人,樂與數晨夕。 wén duō sù xīn rén , lè yǔ shù chén xī

Previously thought about moving to the South Village, not because there were nice houses, but because the South Village has many pure minded people whom I would be very happy to acquaint many days and nights with

Migration becomes a reality 移居的夢想實現

            懷此頗有年,今日從茲役。 huái cǐ pō yǒu nián , jīn rì cóng zī yì
            敝廬何必廣,取足蔽牀蓆。 bì lú hé bì guǎng , qǔ zú bì chuáng gào

I have thought about this for many years, finally it has become a reality today. The house doesn’t need to be grand or big, as long as it can fit in a bed.

The cultured life - reading and writing 移居的文青生活 - 讀書會

            鄰曲時時來,抗言談在昔。 lín qū shí shí lái , kàng yán tán zài xī
            奇文共欣賞,疑義相與析。 qí wén gòng xīn shǎng , yí yì xiāng yǔ xī

My neighbours and friends often come around, we talk happily and freely about yesteryears. When we discover a good piece of work, we appreciate it together, when we come across any problems, we solve it together

The cultured life - leisure and drinking 移居的文青生活 - 郊遊、飲酒

            春秋多佳日,登高賦新詩。 chūn qiū duō jiā rì , dēng gāo fù xīn shī
            過門更相呼,有酒斟酌之。 guò mén gēng xiāng hū , yǒu jiǔ zhēn zhuó zhī

Spring and autumn are the good times to go hiking and recite poems up in the mountain. When we pass by each other’s houses, we will arrange a date and fine wine to spend quality time together

The cultured life - farming and discussions 移居的文青生活 - 忙時種田、閒時聊天

            農務各自歸,閒暇輒相思。 nóng wù gè zì guī , xián xiá zhé xiāng sī
            相思則披衣,言笑無厭時。 xiāng sī zé pī yī , yán xiào wú yàn shí

When working on our farmland alone we miss each other’s company. When we miss each other’s company we grab our coat and go and visit one another. We shall never get bored of each other’s laughter

The apperception of migration 移居的領悟

            此理將不勝?無爲忽去茲。 cǐ lǐ jiāng bù shèng ? wú wéi hū qù zī
            衣食當須紀,力耕不吾欺。 yī shí dāng xū jì , lì gēng bù wú qī

This kind of life is absolutely delightful, and there is no reason to give it up. Everything I wear and eat is created by myself. If you work hard enough to provide for yourself, you will be able to reap the rewards.


The poetic structure of Migration 《移居二首》的格律特點

Sentence 句式
The poem has 24 lines, each with 5 words, this type of orderly structure poem is called Five Words Poetry. Apart from looking neat and tidy when written, reciting Five Words Poetry has a very nice rhythm. You can listen to it on our composed piece of music and maybe even try to sing along and see for yourself. In future, we will elaborate more on Five Words Poetry.


Rhythm 押韻
Rhythm requires that the last word in each line has the same or similar finals. In Tang poetry the rhythm occurs in alternate lines, but in in Five Word Poetry it is less well defined. In Migration, we can see the beginning of how rhythm is built into the structure. Apart from the last word in lines 2 and 24 that don’t rhyme, all the last word in lines 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 have the same final “ik” in Cantonese or “xi” in Mandarin, while in lines 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 the last word all have the final “i”. This poem is a good example of rhythm in Chinese poetry.


Highlight from the poem 精選句子分享:

            奇文共欣賞,疑義相與析。 qí wén gòng xīn shǎng , yí yì xiāng yǔ xī

When we discover a good piece of work, we appreciate it together, when we come across any problems, we solve it together

When reading these two sentences you may wonder why a group of farmers have so much interest in literature and culture. Were farmers in the old days all so well educated like Steemians are today? Well, this is all down to the South Village where Tao choose to live in recluse. The residents there weren’t all normal farmers, many were actually intellectuals like Tao who were fed up with the political struggles within the government and retreated for a peaceful life. This is quite similar to the French nobles who retreated to their Bordeaux vineyards, and spent their days tending the vines, making wine and appreciating art and culture.

Where there is no conflict of interest, scholars love to reminisce the good old times together, talk freely without fear of condemnation and seek to exchange thoughts at the intellectual level. Likewise,, the Chinese Culture Project want to provoke interest and promote cultural exchange with Steemians.




Now we understand this poem more, let’s move on to the contemporary music and art sections. If you can’t watch Dlive, you may watch our music video through Youtube

The music section is composed and arranged by @kona using the Vocaloid software. The first part of the Cantonese vocals are sung by @tine and the second part in Mandarin by the virtual singer Miku V4. In future we hope we can add a singer to our team.

Tang poetry is a genre of poetry with its own characteristic and rhythm, so naturally can be composed into a song. The first 12 lines is the verse and the last 12 lines is the chorus. In the first 8 lines of the poem, Tao has escaped from the institution and is looking for his utopia. Likewise Steemit is a decentralised platform where we can create our own path and future. We have chosen this platform to launch the Chinese Culture Project, just as Tao has chosen to live in South Village. Lines 9 to 12 is about how Tao starts his new life, and here we are taking our first step into our new venture. Lines 13 to 24 is the chorus and is about Tao’s daily life and time spent with his new found friends. We all spend a lot of time on Steemit, sharing and networking with one another, sometimes even forgetting about work or family. The bottom line is that we all enjoy the time spent here, why would anyone want to abandon this platform. Finally, although the team has spent a lot of time working on this post, we believe our effort will not go to waste and one day we shall be rewarded with your appreciation and support.

The beat of the song takes a rather sombre tone which reflects our current mood. We’ve found the perfect platform to launch our project, but we’re not sure what the reaction will be. Everything is a bit uncertain at the moment. All we can do is wait and see. However, we are confident of our project and hope you will like what we do here.

在音樂製作的過程中,我們邀請了@tine為我們演唱歌曲開頭的粵語段落,而在後段的國語段落,我們使用了初音未來 - 世界第一個虛擬歌手系統來為我們演譯這首歌曲,在未來,我們亦很希望會有一位擅長歌唱的朋友能夠加入我們,親自演譯我們的歌曲。





In the sketch Tao Yuanming is enjoying his peaceful life at the countryside in South Village. There’s a small temple on the left, typical of ancient Chinese landscape. His humble abode is on the right hand side. Tao is with his friends, one has a bottle of wine and another has a bamboo scroll, together they’re appreciating the poetry. This reflects the highlighted sentences from this poem “When we discover a good piece of work, we appreciate it together, when we come across any problems, we solve it together”. Another neighbour has come back from working in the fields, rake on shoulder and has dropped by to join them “When we pass by each other’s houses, we will arrange a date and fine wine to spend quality time together”





We want to thank you for reading our post and making it to the end. It’s our first ever poem that we done in this format. We’ve poured our hearts into it and we know its not perfect so we don’t expect a big round of applause. But we really would love is your honest feedback, criticism and or anything that we’ve overlooked, is unclear or can be improved.

In Hong Kong were we all live, spring is already here and the four seasons are always a favourite topic for Tang poems. In the next post, we will introduce a poem related to Spring. We hope you will come and join us then. Till then, take care.



Production Team 製作團隊

Literature Guide 導讀: @perlia
Literature Translation 詩歌解析: @perlia
Music 音樂: @kona
Art 插圖: @nanosesame
Video 視頻: @aaronli
English Editor 英語編輯: @livinguktaiwan
Chinese Editor 中文編輯: @aaronli


My video is at DLive


如斯好文 当浮一大白




I can see all the hard work that you are doing and that this develops, thanks for sharing!

Thank you for reading, pls free feel to give us some advise👏👏


Woohoo 🙌 the baby was born~ Congrats! Great job. 👏 Interesting to see the combination of Cantonese singing voice and Pinyin - a creative try!

Thanks for your support!


Great work guys! So much effort put in 👏👏👏

Thank you @travelgirl! Appreciate it!






用dlive upload就可以了




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