Chinese poem - “The Sounds of Cicadas in Prison” by Luo Bingwan (Includes original song and video) | 《在獄詠蟬》- 駱賓王 (內有原創樂曲及影片)

in #dlive6 years ago


In the northern hemisphere we’re in the middle of summer right now. In summer we often get a lot of rain, , followed by the sounds of cicadas singing. It doesn’t matter whether the sun is high in the sky, hiding quietly behind the drizzle, or if it’s late at night, if we listen carefully we’ll be able to hear them sing. Some think the sound of cicadas is very soothing, while others thinks they’re annoying. Regardless, they’re part of summer.

Cicadas normally appear in summer all through to autumn, and their sounds in autumn brings on another feeling, one of the forthcoming bitter cold and sadness. In the old days, Chinese poets often use cicada sounds to express their emotions and today we want to share with you one of these poems. The poet is Lou Bingwan and he was in prison when the heard the sounds of cicada.




The Sounds of Cicadas in Prison by Lou Bingwan 駱賓王——在獄詠蟬


The Background 創作背景

This poem was written in AD678 not long after Luo Bingwan was promoted to the position of yi shi, a high ranking official in the palace. Wu Zetian was ruling unofficially as empress consort and empress dowager, yet Luo was not afraid of speaking out and even against Wu. Wu eventually accused him of bribery and threw him into prison. In prison, Luo was full of mixed and complicated emotions. He was resentful for being falsely accused of bribery, scared of not knowing what the future holds, yet full of hope that someone would come to his rescue. It was under these conditions that he wrote “The Sounds of Cicadas in Prison”.

這首詩作於公元678年。當時駱賓王剛剛升為侍御史,但他不僅不奉承武則天,而且「數上書言事」,不平則鳴。最後因上疏論事觸怒武則天,更受到誣陷,以「貪贓」罪名入獄。他在獄中心情複雜, 既因無辜下獄而「怨」,又因命運未知而「懼」,更因希望有人助他脫罪而「盼」。他就是在這樣的心情下寫下名流千古的《在獄詠蟬》。此詩借物抒情、以蟬喻己,讓後世讀者讀來不禁發出由衷的哀嘆。


The Compostion 作品大意

Xī lù chán shēng chàng , nán guān kè sī shēn

Bù kān xuán bìn yǐng , lái duì bái tóu yín

Lù zhòng fēi nán jìn , fēng duō xiǎng yì chén

Wú rén xìn gāo jié , shuí wéi biǎo yú xīn ?

The sound of cicadas can be heard singing all through autumn, this is causing me more sorrowness in prison
I cannot bear to see them flapping their black wings, singing Báitóu yín to me as my hair has grown all white
The cicadas can’t fly round in the heavy fog, and their singing is muted by the sound of strong winds
Who will believe my integrity, and who can help me vindicate my innocence and loyalty?



The music and sketch 詩與畫

Today we have a song in a minor scale with a deep and sad music to highlight the feeling of Luo. The Mandarin version is performed by @susanlo and the Cantonese version by @tine. A snare goes through the whole song to represent the chirps of the cicada. At the end of the song, we have arranged a duet chorus in both Mandarin and Cantonese to magnify the grievance effect of the song.



Highlight of the poem 精選詩句


            Bù kān xuán bìn yǐng , lái duì bái tóu yín

“Xuán bìn” describes the cicada’s pair of black wing and Luo is using that to represent his own prime years. “Bái tóu yín” is an ancient poem about a poet who was wronged by her husband. On the surface, these two lines in “The Sounds of Cicadas in Prison” describes the contrast of the cicada’s black wings versus Luo’s head full of white hair caused by his feeling of sadness and helplessness. In reality, it represents Luo’s disappointment and indignation towards the country in how they have betrayed his loyalty and allegiance..



            Lù zhòng fēi nán jìn , fēng duō xiǎng yì chén 。

The heavy fog “Lù zhòng” and strong winds “fēng duō” in these two lines describes the weather outside of the prison, an analogy to the political environment. How the cicadas are prevented from flying and their sounds drowned by the winds, describes the difficulty Luo was facing to be righteous before he was sent to prison,



Trivia knowledge 趣味小知識:


In the Tang Dynasty “Chán bìn” (literally meaning cicada, and hair on the temples) was a popular hairstyle where women scooped their hair back to a bun. The sleek black hair on the sides of the temple were like the wings of the cicada, and that’s why Luo used xuán bìn (black hair on the temples) in the poem for the cicada.


Thanks for reading and see you next time!

Production Team 製作團隊

Literature Translation 詩歌解析: @susanlo
Music 音樂: @kona
Art 插圖: @nanosesame
Video 視頻: @aaronli
English Editor 英語編輯: @livinguktaiwan
Chinese Editor 中文編輯: @aaronli


My video is at DLive


I didn't understand much, but the presentation is interesting.

Thank you! Glad you like it :)



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