Chinese poem - "Spring Rain" - by Du Fu | 春夜喜雨 - 杜甫

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Welcome back to the Chinese Culture Project everyone! If you missed our first post, you can check it out here. We hope you have discovered by now, Chinese poetry isn't as dull and stuffy as you think, especially when we present it in a simple, light hearted and contemporary manner. Even if you don't know any Chinese at all, through our posts, you will be able to appreciate and gain more insight into the fascinating world of Chinese poetry. Today, the topic of our poem is Spring.

Spring is the first season of the year, bringing with it new beginnings, and life after the long cold winter. In our last poem "Migration", we used that to represent our journey to move onto Steemit as our new home. In this poem, we want to use it to represent the beginning of the Chinese Culture Project on Steemit.In the northern hemisphere, spring is arriving everywhere. Sadly with the effects of global warming, the spring as we used to know is gradually changing or even disappearing. Thankfully, with the rich depository of Chinese poetry, we can still appreciate the beauty of spring, and share with the next generation what spring used to be like.







The Background to “Spring Rain” 《春夜喜雨》創作背景


"Spring Rain" is written by Du Fu (712 - 770) who is one of the most prominent poets from the Tang Dynasty. He mainly writes about historical events, often in a humanised and satirical style, so was sometimes known as "Shi shǐ" meaning historical poet. In his works we can often see his compassion for those suffering, and his praise for those who are selfless in devoting themselves to help others in need.

"Spring Rain" is not one of Du Fu's typical style of poem as it takes on a more gentle and softer tone, reflecting his love and appreciation of the spring rain. Normally we just watch the rainfall with our eyes, but Du Fu feels the visual and audio impact of it paying great attention to the beauty it brings to the world. To him, the rain is a human being who brings with her a new lease of life, devoting herself to help others and to make the world a better place.

Du Fu describes spring rain as good rain, just like the people with a good heart who selflessly helps others in need. She times her arrival in the evening sprinkling her magic overnight and giving the world a breath of fresh air when they wake up in the morning.





“Spring Rain” by Du Fu 《春夜喜雨》 杜甫

好雨知時節,當春乃發生 Hǎo yǔ zhī shí jié, dāng chūn nǎi fā shēng
隨風潛入夜,潤物細無聲 Suí fēng qián rù yè, rùn wù xì wú shēng
野徑雲俱黑,江船火獨明 Yě jìng yún jù hēi, jiāng chuán huǒ dú míng
曉看紅溼處,花重錦官城 Xiǎo kàn hóng shī chù, huā zhòng jǐn guān chéng

The Composition 詩句大意:

This poem consist of 8 lines.

The prelude of the arrival 首聯:春雨的降臨預告

            「好雨知時節,當春乃發生。」 Hǎo yǔ zhī shí jié, dāng chūn nǎi fā shēng

Good rain knows when the time is right, when spring is here it will arrive

Arriving quietly 頷聯:春雨的悄然降臨

            「隨風潛入夜,潤物細無聲」Suí fēng qián rù yè, rùn wù xì wú shēng

Following the breeze at night time, it quietly moistens everything

The scene when landing 頸聯:春雨降臨的實際畫面

            「野徑雲俱黑,江船火獨明。」Yě jìng yún jù hēi, jiāng chuán huǒ dú míng

Clouds shroud the dark sky above the fields, the lone light from the boat on the river is especially bright

The morning after scene 尾聯:春雨降臨後的想像畫面

            「曉看紅溼處,花重錦官城。」Xiǎo kàn hóng shī chù, huā zhòng jǐn guān chéng

Red petals cover the moist ground when morning breaks, fresh flowers covered with the morning dew will be seen all over Chengdu

The poetic structure <春夜喜雨>的格律特點:

This poem is a Five Word Lushi, lets see what this means.


Sentence structure 句式
The first feature of a Five Word Lushi is that each sentence must be of equal length. Here, there are five words in each of the eight lines.


Rhythm 押韻
The second feature is rhythm. The last word in the second and each alternate line should rhyme. When spoken in both Cantonese and Mandarin the last word in the even lines in Spring Rain all have finals ending in "ng".


Antithesis 對仗
This is where the corresponding words in a pair of sentence have a similar sound, meaning or in the same lexical category e.g. verb vs verb, noun vs noun. In Spring Rain, the first word in the 3rd and 4th line are both verbs, follow「隨 」and moist「潤」.
The second word wind 「風」and everything 「物」are both nouns. The rest of sentences are not antithesis but the 4th sentence is sequential to the 3rd making it overall antithesis. Likewise, in the 5th and 6th lines, the corresponding words are all in the same lexical categories.




Highlight from the poem 精選句子分享


Quietly moistening everything「潤物細無聲」

Rain is often associated with tears and sadness, and for long has inspired many great songs, such as "Why does it always rain on me?" by Travis in 1999 or "Have you ever seen the Rain" by Creedence Clearwater Revival, and "Rainy days and Mondays" by Carpenters both from the 70's.

In Tang Poetry, spring rain is seen as gentle, summer rain passionate, autumn rain sometimes gentle sometimes passionate, and winter rain is the cold winter bitter snow. In a traditional agricultural society, the coming year's livelihood depends very much on the amount of rain in the spring sowing season. Spring rain moistens the soil, helps germination, bringing hope and life. It does this gently and quietly, almost going unnoticed, and doesn't ask for anything in return. This behaviour is akin to those selfless people that Du Fu pay high regards to. The Chinese Culture Project can't claim to be so noble, but we do want to advocate a similar belief to work quietly, to promote and change people's view of Chinese poetry and present it in a more contemporary way. Who knows, maybe one day, Chinese poetry will become as popular as Shakespeare's works.





The Music 音樂

If you can’t watch Dlive, you may watch our music video through Youtube

The music this time is composed in a more Chinese style to take you back to a traditional town in springtime. The beat is more lively to reflect the playful spring rain, and we have included some notes to represent the raindrops. The first part in Mandarin is sang by the virtual singer Miku V4 and the Cantonese part by @tine. When you listen to it, close your eyes and see if you can imagine the spring rain drizzling at night time bringing a new lease of life and fresh flowers everywhere the next morning.


這一次的《春夜喜雨》採取了中國的曲風,帶大家去到古色古香的春雨之城。歌曲的首半段普通話仍是由世界第一位虛擬歌手初音主唱,而後半段的粵語則由@tine 主唱。


The sketches 畫


We have two sketches this time for the two scenes in the poem. One when the Spring Rain arrives quietly at night time, dark clouds above and the light from the boat on the river. The other depicts the scene the next morning, red petals scattered on the ground and morning dew on fresh flowers across Chengdu.



Thank you for reading our Spring Rain post today. The poem may have been written over a thousand years ago, but the scenery hasn't changed that much. The spring rain and dark nights still exists today, whereas the lone light from the boat and Chengdu are the city lights today. Next time when you hear the rain drizzling at night time, see if you can see and feel it in the same way as Du Fu did.

Next week, our poem will be about the hard working farmers in an agricultural society and their similarities to the working class today. See you next week!



Production Team 製作團隊

Literature Guide 導讀: @perlia
Literature Translation 詩歌解析: @perlia
Music 音樂: @kona
Art 插圖: @nanosesame
Video 視頻: @aaronli
English Editor 英語編輯: @livinguktaiwan
Chinese Editor 中文編輯: @aaronli


My video is at DLive






無野改 已經最強.

haha 有野改: 下次舉行比賽, 入圍有你城市, 魚或櫻花畫做奬品, 唔識寫我都一定參加



唔好搞我,我唔似吟诗 XD


我惊我唱到一旧旧 lol


这个真的做得超棒啊 无论文字 插图 视频 音乐 必须要赞 👍 古诗的翻译不容易呢 还是觉得唱起歌来粤语比京腔的普通话动听咯~ @nanosesame 又让我因为猜中古诗而得意一次~ 😊



不好意思,想指正一下:格律特點第二點關於押韻那段中文文字跟第一點重覆了,是copy & paste出錯了吧?🙈


Beautiful poem and beautiful music, too! I wish I understood Chinese to appreciate it even more.

Thank you for you lovely comment. Our aim is that even without understanding Chinese, you can still appreciate the poem through the translation, sketch and music, the latter being boderless in our view. Look forward to you continue support to our project!

Wow! I didn't realize Miku can sing Chinese Song. Well explain in the blog post too.

Thanks for your support!

@orientalhub 向大家講聲: 勁! 根本係暫時steemit 上隨時最大型最有深度䏈合製作.

得閒過黎like下我地D posts 同而家參賽者ge posts.


因为是你做的吗 😂



He was an observant man and a re-crafter of beautiful images .. a genius.

Agree, as well as one of the most well known Chinese poets.

I thank you and all involved in this project which gives readers a chance to learn about Chi The little I have read of Du Fu in particular strikes me as exactly what poetry ought to be - an artform, reflecting the complexity of the artists impressions, in a condensed form.

Your analysis and explanations are invaluable as the poetic tools often have no direct comparisons in English language poetry and of course, the historical and cultural references are completely new. So it is an intriguing and a valuable opportunity to learn so much.

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