Czy w przyszłości będziemy jedli owady?

Owady są bardzo dobrą bombą zawierającą dużo białka oraz weglowodanów. Co więc zatrzymuje ludzi przed zmienieniem swojej diety i zaprzestaniem mordowania zwierząt w warunkach przypominających NIEMIECKIE obozy śmierci?
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What is this?
@rosatravels Thanks for comment. :D
It is post writed in polish. It say about future. We have a really big problem, because we can't kill animals all time to eat something. In this post is solution of this problem. In the future we can eat a bugs. It is really interesting because they don't feel a pain, when they are killed in good way. The good way is freeze them. When temperature is falling they think winter is comming and fall into winter sleep. We can freeze them more, and they will be dead without pain.