014: L. Amber O’Hearn - Zero Carb Veteran, Carnivore and Ketosis, Diving Deep — Carnivore Cast — Overcast

L. Amber O’Hearn (@KetoCarnivore) has been a carnivore for almost 10 years and has dedicated herself to deeply researching the science of ketogenic and carnivorous diets for the benefit of folks like us through her blogs Empiri.ca and Ketotic.org, podcasts like this, and very well-formed lectures on various topics. Follow me on Twitter (@CarnivoreCast), Instagram (@CarnivoreCast), and Facebook (The Carnivore Cast) or go to CarnivoreCast.com. You can also email me at [email protected].
The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from carnivorecast.com
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Hi @carnivorefeed, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @ketocarnivore doesn't exist on Steem. Maybe you made a typo ?
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