RE: A Legendary Set - Maceo Plex's BBC Radio One Essential Mix (2012)
Hey Kevin :)
Sven Varth has a CLub still, in Frankfurt. I think its still open and they hav a website with opening times and info on whos playing which night. I dont know if hes still active also i dont know if the club still is open, in 2005 a realtive good friend of mine who is a Artist too (he does poems & electronic music (minimal) so dj too. Well in 2005 he, my dj Friend took me to Frankfurt into Svens Club the Cocoon, i was only there once but it was a wonderful night i still remember good. He actually did get a few discs from Vaeth signed which were meant to be auctioned to get cash for a childrens private hospital where they treat mentally ill child with naturals instead of heavy medicamentation. And i dont remember but it actually brought more cash as expected and all who participated in this fundraising coup were really happy, even me who was just the driver of the organizer :D
I follow Sven's mixes once a while, he has a very good one with Boiler Room! Thanks, will certainly check out if I can catch one of his nights - that guy's non-stop!