LEGO Fun, Isolation or not!

in #diy4 years ago

Hi fellow LEGO enthusiasts,

One of the really fun things to do as an adult is to connect with your inner (and actual lol) child by playing with things like LEGO's. Over the past several weeks our son has gotten damn good at building them! He used to struggle with the connecting the little pieces together but he's really come into his LEGO element recently. He struggles a little bit with following some of the directions but I can't blame him, freestyle is a lot of fun!

I also want to thank @brickmanbrad for the LEGO's I won and he sent me several weeks ago. With all of the isolation and challenges in getting mail, it took a while but they finally came! These little spiders are awesome. I've got some pictures of those below.

Here are a few different builds we've done over the recent couple weeks. The most elaborate one is below, which was a lot of fun. Sorry about the poor quality of some of the photos, apparently my phone case over the camera was dirty and I didn't realize it until later.

I thought it would be fun to combine the LEGO's, baby blocks and trains into a pretty cool creation. On the bottom left is this awesome wooden train tunnel one of my family members bought our son. It had a bunch of tracks in it and came with a sweet tunnel.


One of the saving graces, honestly, for our son has been this jungle gym we bought him last year. He's got unbelievable balance because of it now, he climbs up and down it and blows off a lot of energy having it in the house. What a fortuitous purchase we made before this isolation crap started! I wanted to use the jungle gym as an obstacle for the track so naturally I curved it all the way around since we have about 60 feet or so of track.


We started building the LEGO set after we cleaned up. He's a messy little dude! Throws crumbs all over the house, we are just praying we don't get bugs lol. It was cool to use all of the different twists and turns.


Now for the big blocks. I wanted to make a tunnel out of them, I think it ended up coming out pretty cool considering how big they are!


Built a fun little train out of LEGO's. We thankfully have lots of wheels in our stockpile but only a very select few actually fit the wooden tracks. Glad we had some that did! It was cool to switch it up and build a little train. There's a picture of the modified spiders that Brad sent me. I go into their build further below.


He was working on building a train out of LEGO's for the track, like I was.


This is my badass battle spider. Set up to mess you up good!


The Easter Bunny brought some awesome LEGO's. This was our first dinosaur type. Got some cool parts out of it!


Our first official train LEGO. Ended up being a really cool package.


The dinosaur didn't last long. Took it apart and made a pretty cool custom race car!


One of the cool packages we got were a whole bunch of people. Not entirely enjoying all of the weird hair but that may just be my bias from as a kid, there was almost no hair on the LEGO people. They do have all kinds of jobs though so that was fun. Pilots, police, sailors, bankers, spacemen and many others.


The package also had two others. A little house as well as a cool piano looking keyboard.


This build was just yesterday. In order to get the little dude in a tub, we had to build our own boats. Couldn't argue with that, it's great to have some fun toys to play with in there. I built most of a pirate ship. You can see the back of the boat below, a look into the captains window.


Other view of the ship. Doors to the captains cabin and the middle of the ship.


I was enjoying the captains cabin, I had those really cool pillars that I used. I don't remember where we got them, perhaps from some Star Wars sets but I think they looked pretty cool to put at the corners of the cabin. Those torches were also fun, I think I remember seeing them in Pirates of the Caribbean or something, but I'm not positive.


Got a girl LEGO in one of the sets so that was cool. She was the figurehead on the ship.


Random truck that I built a couple weeks ago. Has the ability to fly, shoot fire and do work with a backhoe. Jet engines on the back so it hauls ass!


Now for @brickmanbrad's package! These little spiders were wicked cool. Here's what it looked like when I opened the package. Our son was stoked we got LEGO's in the mail. He loves getting mail, and getting LEGO was like Christmas for him lol


The look of them put together. Really cool how they have claws.


There were two in the package, which he (and I!) was excited about. These turned out to be a really cool addition to our collection.


Have you got any LEGO builds or other toy builds? I'd love to see some! Share them with me. Let me know what you think in the comments.

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Sorry I missed this post. With covid lockdowns and the like I've been crazy busy with the day job so haven't been around much at all. So glad your package arrived safely.

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