RE: WARNING! "Divorcing + Remarrying = Adultery", Says the LORD
Kid of God, I admire your determination to stand up for the Word of God. If your parents are divorced you have my sympathy. Do you remember Esther from the Bible? Is Esther in Hell for marrying a divorced man? Is King David and his son Solomon in Hell for marrying more than once? King David married a 2nd wife, after his 1st wife left him and married another man. Do you think divorce was okay in OT times but God changed His mind for NT times? I think the natural law doesn't change, the meaning of marriage remains the same, and marrying another man's wife is always adultery except for formication or if she be a widow. Otherwise the Catholics are right about veneration: idolatry was a sin during OT times but not in NT times. It is Quasi Catholic doctrine by Roman Catholic gentiles. It has no place in Protestant churches. Don't forget your Hebrew spiritual roots, else you might as well be Catholic. The famous Evangelist preacher, Dr. Kent Hovind, married a divorced woman, which I consider is adultery but it's not the unforgivable sin, as some Quasi Catholics and some Roman Catholics insist. Quasi Catholics have actually changed the definition of marriage many times, so there's no integrity with banning divorce
If you marry a nonvirgin that's actually adultery. As with the example from Joseph the husband of Mary, she can be divorced for fornication, so she can return to the husband of her virginity. The statutes of God are clear that when a man lays with a virgin, they must marry. I'm not condemning nonvirgins, but revealing to most pseudo-Catholics that you're actually in the same boat as the divorcées you condemn. By the same standard you judge others, you too shall be judged (Matthew 7:2-5). Don't try to use divorcées as a scapegoat to hide your own adulterous marriages. Accept that over 99% of Western marriages today are adulterous marriages. If you're in an adulterous marriage, John MacArthur teaches to stay in that marriage, but repent just once. John Piper is convinced that returning to a previous spouse after remarriage is actually an abomination.
Telling Christians that rushing into marriage ASAP with "anyone", is the solution to preventing fornication, is itself a Quasi Catholic doctrine arguably responsible for most divorces. Adultery is worse than fornication. Chaining couples together, clearly does not prevent divorce. Forcing people into celibacy without that gift, contradicts God in Genesis 2:18 when He said, "It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make a helpmate for him." So if you defy Genesis 2:18, you will have so many problems including a shorter lifespan. It almost seems that Quasi Catholics are implying (between the lines) for divorcées to do King David vs Uriah murder. The blood from such murders might be on your hands, if you keep peddling this dangerous heresy. Some people of God such as Isaac were already 40 years old when God appointed the perfect time for their marriage with the right person. If everyone followed the marriage precedent of Adam and Eve, and Isaac and Rebekah, then divorce would be extinct.