What is the Divine Global 'Hierarchy'?
"the Divine Global 'Hierarchy', which is comprised of the Human / Extra Terrestrial connected Divine Bloodlines, met and appointed a new ITC"
"The authority is held by the Committee of the Hierarchy and the Chairman of the Hierarchy as Holder(s) of the Alfa – Omega Ring (Solomon’s Ring)."
"With Divine inspiration, the 'Hierarchy' understood that action must be taken regarding the 50 year term of the TTTGC's mismanagement and greedy administration of the Collateral Accounts. The 'Hierarchy' agreed the 50 year term would not be extended or renewed, and they would appoint an independent individual instituted under a "Sovereign Entity" status to take over the Management and Administration of the Collateral Accounts"
"Accounts, along with the newly appointed International Treasury Controller, the real Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter of the Accounts, who is attending to this matter on a constant basis with the Hierarchy, who are also determined to see the theft and fraud against the Accounts totally removed from the equation so that these Accounts can be used for what they were intended to be used for and as determined by the Hierarchy since 1945."