What Unites Us?
What Unites Us?
Let's Give Diversity Talk A Rest
Rather than focus on our differences like those pushing the modern diversity movement obsess over, let us instead discuss our similarities for a change. First and foremost we are all Americans. If you came here legally, are just waiting for citizenship, assimilate, work hard, and promise not to blow anything up, then you are included.
Secondly, we all want the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. This does not mean that the government should guarantee equal outcomes for everyone. It means you have the right to pursue those things, and no one should get in your way...especially the government. Now, not everyone is going to make it. Like Prince said in his song Pop Life, "Everybody can't be on top."
Next, we all want to watch the movie in peace so PLEASE SHUT UP! We all want the parking spot of the person who just walked back to their car, and this goes for everybody, so quit dilly dallying and move it! We all want to get on with our lives so keep it pithy. Say what needs to be said and no more than that. I know it is a fine line to walk between curt and pithy, but no one likes a babbler who drones on and on repeating themself over and over kind of like I am doing right now with this ultra long sentence.
We all want the guy at the red light, who is oh so proud of his shitty music, to turn it down so that we can hear ours! And while we're at the red light, why do people hesitate a good 3 Mississippi's before stepping on the accelerator? When it turns green, GO! It's simple! We also would like to be able to drag our trash cans to the curb without stepping in our neighbor's dog shit so let's all work together to spread awareness of #neighbordogshit. How's that for a cause we can all get behind?
We all want fairness and equality, for everyone, right folks? So, let's begin a campaign where we shame anyone who says anything derogatory about any group of people (race, religion, gender, whatever) that is unsubstantiated. If it is substantiated, then fine. For instance, if someone says that Prince fans have better taste in music than Michael jackson fans, then we let it go, of course.
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