It’s fantastic how stupid the anti-GMO people are.
Like, antivaxers are dumb, clearly, but at least they’re bombarded with a bunch of fake information and difficult to verify claims, which, if true, would lead to the conclusion that vaccines are bad (or dangerous, or untested, or whatever other fake shit they’re making up).
The anti-GM people have none of that. They have to go out of their way to be dumb. The claims are just outlandish and absurd. There’s no need for even falsified data, because evidence is the furthest thing from their mind. The objection to GM crops is rooted in absolutely nothing. GM crops are bad because they exist, and because they exist, we can assume that anything is GM, regardless of whether it is or not.
Claim that non-GMO salt tastes better? Why not. Pay double for non-GMO Project verified dairy products? Absolutely.
Get caught pretending that GM wheat is the cause of gluten intolerance? Doesn’t matter. Just claim other GM crops are the cause of gluten and dairy intolerance, and that somehow “non-GMO” versions of products for which no GM version exists are better anyway.
Is this an indictment of American science education?
Yes, absolutely.
But it’s a failure of basic proper thinking and functioning on an even deeper level. You don’t need to know about science to know that these claims make no fucking sense. You just have to not be a moron.