Dis(info)Closure part 3 UFO Cults
Heres a you tube video I made to show these crazy people. Used under fair use law
All footage used under fair use law
footage from
Jeremiah Films 0:00
Religulous Raelism 07:06
Monsignor Corrado Balducci of the Vatican 09:22
Ancient Aliens Debunked by Chris White 10:04
CNN Larry King Live With Art Bell 16:12
Heavens Gate 18:16
KTTV Heavens Gate mass Suicides 21:37
music by dj caspa
Mormons Believe God lives on the Planet Kolob Mormonism was invented by A Freemason along with other Freemasons google it
Joseph Smith Joe Call and Brigham Young. Complete nonsense
Monsignor Corrado Balducci pushes the alien lie without any evidence. This is suppose to be a man of god? But he spreads lies. Just like every other disinfo agent or shill.
Raelism speaks for itself. I hate to use the puppet Bill Maher's footage, but I agree that a lot of religions are obvious mind control. Heavens gate Speaks for itself duped probably mentally challenged people or autistic or just gullible people completely duped by an obvious crazy person.
It seems like the most successful cults religions bite the story or part of the story of older religions or cults. I forgot to put in this video Scientology. But yeah Zeno the galactic Ruler is what they believe. Scientology was made up by a pedophile who wrote fiction and lived on a boat in international waters to avoid the federal government. But if you want to be a star you might want to join up buy an e meter which is just a ``Wheatstone Bridge'' well known to electrically minded people as a device to measure the amount of resistance to a flow of electricity. sourcehttps://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/E-Meter/tbite.html
By the way I'm still waiting for real disclosure. I wonder what washed up teen pop star will come out with evidence next.