Dis(info)closure Abductees
I made this youtube video on the ridiculousness of abductees instead of accepting bullshit how about looking critically at the claims of these scam artists. If this is your best piece of evidence for aliens existing you might be completely duped.
I think her story is total bullshit and she has convinced her self its real. She passed away in 2004. Her story comes from Hypnotism sessions they had 2 hours of missing time allegedly. That was the original story, you see here in her later interview how stories get embellished with time. Remember the original story is she didn't remember anything now almost 40 years later she speaks as if she has a clear memory of 1961. I could be totally wrong and I'll admit that the day we see an alien on the news. Until then I'm gonna call bullshit on this story and every story about aliens.
Footage used under fair use laws
Footage from the film "Close Encounters of the third Kind"
and the TV special"Ufos are real"
Interview with Betty Hill in 1999 from youtube channel S. Haugen