You are not alone: Alzheimer's and dementia

in #disease7 years ago (edited)


Stories can conquer fear, you know. They can make the heart bigger.-Ben Okri

Do you have relatives with Alzheimers and dementia?
Had you given them the proper treatment?For today's blog is about tips for coming up with Alzheimer's and other dementias.

Firstly, I would like to tell brief facts about Alzheimers and Dementia.

Alzheimers disease was first discovered in 1906, and in more than 100 years, a lot has changed after that. Todays, it is no longer assumed that Alzheimer's is a normal part of aging-instead, it lt is recognized as a fatal disease that demands better methods of diagnosis and treatment.

A disease that no one can face it alone. Those with Alzheimer's draw their strength from their families, friends, and sometimes stranger fall in the same situation.

Below are the ABC's on how to communicate with those with Alzheimers and dementia

  • Approach with a positive attitude, from the font, with a smile. address the person with the disease by name.
  • Breathe. Take a deep breath before the visit/encounter. The > person will read your essence and body language before he > or she can comprehend what you are saying.
  • Cue the person. Instead of asking "do you want to put on your sweater?" Put yours on and offer to help.
  • Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability . Severe enough to interfere with daily life Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia, diagnosed 60-80% of the time.
  • Every day is a new day. A bad day yesterday files not mean > a bad day today. Take it one day at a time.
  • Follow the lead. If the person with dementia wants to tell the > same story or wash the same dish over and over again, let them.
  • Give the person a purpose. Ask for advice or give him/ her task as. Even if it is done wrong, The person will feel worthy and useful.
  • Investigate. If the person is agitated, he or she may not be able to tell you why. Is she hungry or thirsty? Tired? Does he > have to go to the bathroom?
  • Joy. Revel in the joyful moments. Let those moments fill you up
  • Keep eye contact. It establishes trust and helps you make a > connection.
  • Love. Give a lit of love. It makes the person feel safe and cared for.
  • Mistakes you will make to them. You will say and do the wrong things. Forgive yourself- caregiving is a very hard job.
  • Never argue with the person with dementia. It causee agitation for both of you and makes everything harder.
  • Oxygen. Like on an airplane, take your oxygen first. Care for yourself. If you are not strong, you cannot be strong for the person with the disease.
  • Practice patience. It can take someone with dementia longer to understand your question and come up with an answer.
  • Quiet. TV, radio, and several conversations at once make it hard for the person to concentrate. Go to a quiet place to visit or connect.
  • Redirect. If the person is frustrated or upset, try changing the topic or environment. Suggest a favorite activity, or offer some tea or ice cream
  • Simple. Keep sentences simple to facilitate communication.
  • Talk about things from the past. Recent memories will fade more quickly.
  • Use fibers." I have to pick uo my daughter from school!" Says the eight-year-old. " your daughter called, she is staying late to play soccer. Let's go in here and listen to some music..." Tell a little "fib" and then redirect the conversation.
  • Validate feelings and thoughts. " Yes, it is Tuesday(even if its Friday) but today we are going to do a Friday activity." Do not tell the person he or she is wrong.
  • Walk in the person's shoe. He or she is frustrated by this disease, too.
  • eXercise. Go for a walk with the person or do chair exercises. Staying active is good for everyone.
  • You are not alone. The Alzheimers association has many resources to help, support groups and caregiving courses. Reach out.
  • zzzzzs let the person rest. This disease is exhausting. For both of you. You rest too.

Hope this ABC's will help us give the proper treatment to our lolo's and lola's subjected from the said disease.


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