I am considering why taxation is theft: it is taking one's property by force.
Government leases and property ownership are identical in aspect to taxation.
As natural members of the world containing resources such as oil and gas, our right to enjoy such of it as we can is endemic. Government takes this right inherent in us by force and sells it to the highest bidder.
Now, I am not necessarily saying that the human ability to concentrate our rights in such a way is necessarily evil, just that taking it by force is.
Much of the evil of the extant situation derives from failing to hold folks to account, and responsible, for their delegation of their personal authority to government. Since government agents want that power and take it without asking, we not only aren't held to account, we can't control it either. This is evil.
While you will note it appears to be impossible, as demonstrated throughout history, for groups larger than the monkeysphere to rationally act, it is certainly possible to them to be coerced into acting irrationally, and this is government today. While but few of us might have done what was done to Jamal Kashoggi willingly, I suspect more of us than expected contributed our authority to government that did.
Such evil is the result of forced disenfranchisement, and thus I would find objections to government doing any good thing on principle. I reckon we agree that government rhetoric generally claims to be effecting much good, while actually achieving the opposite, and it is because the principle of natural sovereignty is originally destroyed by government that such is possible.
Still, we need to eat, and the robots don't, and are coming. Tempt me with food, and I might come around when hunger is on the menu.