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RE: GMO corn that enables no-till planting.

in #discussion7 years ago

Well, I know I am not offering a solution at all. At this point, I dont know if there IS a solution.
But, generally speaking, the way out of a hole is not by digging it deeper.

Im not saying inexpensive food is a bad thing in and of itself. (Although food laced with toxic chemicals IS.)
The problem is when the small farmers, the small businesses, cannot compete with mass production. That's why people get angry about the dirt cheap things coming in from China and elsewhere, it puts the people here out of a job.

Haha, and I never said EVERYONE needs to grow their own food. I DO think people should make an effort if they can. It doesnt take much time and space to grow a windowbox of herbs, or a tomato on the patio, but I realize not EVERYONE can do this. Back in the day, they also had people who's jobs did not involve growing food.
The issue is that over time more and more small farmers have been bought out or forced out of business by corporate giants. The same thing has happened in other areas, other types of business. That's why 'Mom and Pop stores are no longer a thing. Then they have a monopoly over the business and no one can compete with them. The 'Mom and Pop's' can't make a living with their business anymore and are forced to go and work for someone else.

Is this a problem?
Yes. I think so.
What is the solution?
I do not know.


Does the term luddite ring any bells?
how well has that EVER worked out?

Nope, did not ring any bells, so I Googled it.
a member of any of the bands of English workers who destroyed machinery, especially in cotton and woolen mills, which they believed was threatening their jobs

Hmmm... well, apparently THAT didn't work out...

it didn't ring any bells?

well..for your information what you googled is correct.
it's also a generic term for those who are opposed to advancing technology.
what will all the buggy whip makers do for a living with all those new fangled horseless carraiges?
what will taxi drivers do for a living with Uber and even WORSE...robot cars?
what will.....(and the list goes on)
how did ANY of them work out?
is there any reason to think that it will be different this time?

Haha, nope, I am not an expert in the history of English economics. Im not ashamed to admit I dont know everything. :)
Im not saying technology shouldn't advance. It should and it will.
Dumping chemical poisons into the ground and on our food is what I have a problem with.

No need to get snotty and sarcastic. Thought it was a friendly debate?

Sarcasm is an artifact of the medium we are using.
I wasn't (well not much) rilly being sarcastic.
"poisons" is not a new thing...plants have been doing it to each other for a gazillion years.

What is the solution?
I do not know.

I do.

Higher and higher and more advanced technology.
Technology creates wealth.
wealth trickles down from the rich to the poor
(people in romania can make more money on steemit than from salary at a job...not to mention Venezuala)

Glad you have it all figured out! ;)

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