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RE: Dhmikratic Response

in #discussion7 years ago

You missed out, it was hilarious and disturbing, why the fuck doesn't he wipe his mouth? I haven't seen someone drool like that since I had a job interviewing schizophrenics in the state hospital who had just woken up from their drug induced stupors.


he gave a one and a half hour speech.
and all you come back with 'he didn't wipe his mouth'?

It seemed a lot more like 20 minutes, you don't seem to appreciate how distracting it is to watch a grown man try to talk while drooling.

If you are referring to the state of the union address given by trump.
I didn't see any drool
I watched a live feed on a 27 inch computer monitor from less than two foot away.
If he had been drooling I would have seen it.

Naaa, he's talking about the dim response by rep. Joe Kennedy lll, The claim is that it was chapstick lit up by the cameras, but yeah definitely looked to be drool. Maxine gave her response on BET, haven't seen it but I'm sure we've all heard it before. In all 5 dims gave responses, but who cares?

I definitely don't.
Dhmikrats are scripted.
None of them have had an original thought in their life.
I was merely curious as to why the Propaganda arm of the dhmikratic party
(the news media)
wasn't making a big deal about it.

nope, I was referring to the "Dhmikratic Response" you posted about. ;)

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