Over four million lives are saved by guns every year in the USA

in #discussion6 years ago

This is one example


  • a convicted felon named Kevin Bruzos — walks outside his employer’s building and points a gun at people in the parking lot.
    Almost as soon as that gun comes out, a concealed carry permit holder, whose name hasn’t been released. responds to stop the threat.

    A good man with a gun stops a bad man with a gun. When seconds count..the police are only minutes away. Even if they are on the scene when needed..... Remember the Cowards of Broward?

Amazing story.

These so-called "Gun Free Zones" are just an open invitation for criminals to know they have easy pickings!

I, for one, will not frequent an establishment that restricts the carrying of firearms......unless I'm being dragged in chains into my local IRS office!

victim disarmament zones are exactly that.
hunting grounds for psychopaths.

"Victim disarmament zones." NAILED IT!

Hello everittdmickey. I am from Venezuela, and in my country, the criminals are armed. The citizen of good was suspended the bearing of arms. The population is subject to the action of the underworld, which is often protected by the security forces to profit from the crime. We are at the mercy of the underworld, without great possibilities to face them - Greetings.

Letting them take your guns was a big mistake huh?

Clear. What happens is that the government orchestrated this plan to keep the population in check and scared.

gee...never saw that coming.
first time it ever happened anywhere on earth...huh?

Unfortunately in our country a corrupt group governs, that is pending of its egocentric interests and sacrifices to a whole town, that has to emigrate not to die in the apathy and the insecurity.

Now, I wonder why these stories aren't constantly talked about as wonderful "human interest" features on the news every evening on the mainstream news??


Treasonous MSM really is treasonous. You can't just ignore the Constitution because it doesn't fit your weirded-out, libtarded world view, and yet we let them get away with it every day! WHY?!?!?!?

what do you mean 'we'?
I do my best to 'raise awareness' everyday.
lookit my blog posts.

are you with me?

(send $99.99 to my account NOW...so I get it sooner)

just kidding

Oh, I know you do. You're one of my favorite guys on Steemit. I was just venting at the general state of stupidity in this country.

venting is good.
better that than going on a rampage.

LOL...I'm not a physical rampage kind of guy, but if these gun grabbers ever...

Well........Let's just leave that thought with a little Latin..


greek..'molon labe' is greek

The expression "Come and take it" was a slogan in the Texas Revolution.

Ah! See why I follow you, Everitt? Always learning something!


this is so true and something never ever mentioned in the media. People don't realize that the only thing standing between total chaos and rampaging criminals are the armed private citizen...or am I being overly dramatic?

you're understating the situation.
Venezuela comes to mind where the citizens aren't allowed to own guns.

absolutely. sittin ducks.

A good man with a gun stops a bad man with a gun.

It's astounding that so many university professors, academics and politicans fail to grasp this concept.

......ohhhh they do, don't they? ...And they are the ones with 'bad men' intentions...


Realistically that is only a fraction of the lives that guns save in the US, consider how many motorists would be killed and the amount of transmission of tick borne disease that would occur if the deer population was to be completely unmanaged.
Here is another example, with an AK47!

Hola everittdmickey.
Soy de Venezuela, y en mi pais, estan armados los delincuentes.
Al ciudadano de bien se le suspendio el porte de armas.
La poblacion esta sujeta a la accion del hampa, que muchas veces esta amparada por los cuerpos de seguridad para lucrarse del delito. Estamos a merced del hampa, sin grandes posibilidades de hacerles frente-

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