Fuego volcano injected large amounts of sulfur dioxide into stratosphere,

in #discussion6 years ago

may induce some short-term global cooling

Add that to the fact that the greatest global two-year cooling event of the last century just occurred? From February 2016 to February 2018 global average temperatures dropped 0.56°C.

Hawaii is also erupting

there are other volcanos erupting too.

something to think about?


The solar flux during this minimum is affecting the plasma in the upper crust. Volcanoes will only speed up the cooling and finally put make Al Gore a fool and the rest of the MSM that continue to spew this fake global warming mantra. It will turn into Global freezing my a** off.

Al Gore doesn't need any help being a fool.
He's got that part covered.

the left will still find a way to put the blame 100% on humans. since climate changing on it's own doesn't fit their view of science lol

that would be true.
and they'll lie about what's happening until the bitter end.

It's all going a bit wrong for the idiots, isn't it?

it might be going a bit wrong for all of us.
consider that we're going into a solar minimium

...but at least we can freeze knowing that we were not the idiots! lol

...I don't like all this green on screen...

I don't like the green either.

Me thinks we are in for some cold weather over the next few years

There is a very dangerous volcano, which although it is not exactly erupting, if it remains active, and that is the Volcano Nevado del Ruiz in Colombia, which already in 1985 ended with a population (Armero) with more than 20,000 victims ... much volcanic activity, surely there will be many earthquakes, there will be many gas emissions to the atmosphere ... I think that we depends on the monitoring and warnings of scientists and experts in the field, to be able to safeguard part of the populations.

If It was me I wouldn't be anywhere within a hundred miles of an active volcano.

That's true; but, we do not know what goes through the minds of the people and by the rulers themselves.

I subscribe to many financial newsletters and there was a recently article published in the Casey Dispatch featuring John Hunt, who is a coauthor of a series of books with Doug Casey. It's one of the best articles I've read on climate scientists. Enjoy!


the executive summary is: to hell with the facts...it's all about the (grant)money. Do whatever it takes to keep the grant money rolling in.

great post

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