
Just goes to show how the political classes use PC BS as a political football.
I don’t care for ANY political party in any country but I’d love to see the Democrats shown up for the utter cunts they truly are!

the news media, for example the NYT, are the propaganda arm of the dhmikratic party.

It’s just as bad here in the U.K.
The media’s treatment of Trump is horrific, they’ve got him pegged as a drooling imbecile while all the time painting Hitlary as some kind of saint!

95% of all media accounts of Trump are hostile.

Say it ain't so. The left radically against something they were fighting for now that someone is doing something about it on the other side. Incredible hypocrisy.

When I point this out to Leftists I get either a garbled and stuttering mess about how that was different because times have changed (which is their way of crawfishing around the reality of "yeah, but that was our guy saying it; it's only wrong when it's a Republican"), get accused of lying (which results in me showing them the video at which point they move on to option 1 or 3), or a shrieking rant consisting of basically "Oh my God, you are such a racist and a fascist for even trying to defend Trump."

I support Trump.
If the democrats regain control...the economy will crash.

I support him too, even if dealing with his bombastic mouth is the price I have to pay for that. Despite being as uncouth as they come, he's got the guts to make the drastic moves other presidents have avoided because they found them distasteful (such as finally shedding ourselves of Europe).

I don't find him 'bombastic' at all. I kind of like him. A breath of fresh air.

Well, regarding his mouth, to each his own.
Policy-wise though, I agree. I love what he's doing. Dumping Western Europe, reinforcing the Intermarium, propping up regional rivals against each other so our military doesn't have to do all the dirty work, refocusing our military on R&D and actual combat readiness so we are dominant at the times when that plan fails, and of course, having the gonads to take a black eye from China in the process of knocking their teeth out and kicking them in the balls (we've always been able to win a trade war with them, but not without taking a hit, and fear of that hit has kept too many presidents under China's heel and I get a thrill from watching how the Chinese are squirming)... I love what he's doing so much that I can put up with what he is saying.

I would so agree, but they would still find something to criticize.

LOL... I had to resteem this one. I would love it if Trump did that. It would fit in very well with his style.

Right on Everitt! The sheep would still find a way to explain why Bill would be right and Donald would be wrong.

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