Different tiers of citizens
who have access to different services.
Second class citizenship anyone?
Of COURSE you hate it. You've been taught to do so. Have you ever rilly thought about it? Multi-level privledged access is common in every civilization since the begining of time as it is also in primate and various other social animals.
No...everyone is NOT created equal. There ARE differences.
But I digress.
Consider the advantages of not lying to ourselves and taking advantage of reality.
Should every citizen have the right to vote?
Does is seem reasonable that all it takes to vote is a pulse? What about a little bit of knowledge about what the issues are? Think that might help a little?
Consider stock.
Corporations typically offer two kinds of stock for sale.
Common (non voting)
and the other kinds (allowed to vote)
It seems to work..perhaps there's a lesson there?
Read the linked article
What do YOU think?
Voting by IQ, is the only logical way.
In what universe of logic, do you give someone who can't tie their laces, as much say in running things, as someone who can build a rocket...?
or perhaps the right to vote must be earned.
how many shoelaces need be tied first?
or rockets built?
Maybe a much better idea actually.
'Industriousness' my be a much better metric, to a 'weight of say' in a society...mmmm.
That's me buggered.
originally the privilege of voting was limited to land owners.
yeah - there is a logic to the people who have skin in the game having the say...
Surprisingly I agree, sometimes you have to know before you give your opinion, or at least to have known "back story" of your choice.
Wise words ^
China sorts its cities by tiers. tier 1 like beijing, tier 2 like Shenzhen, tier 3 , and towns. every city has more money for projects and development depending on the tier.
Kinda like the 'trail of tiers?'
(sorry..couldn't help myself)
that sounds interesting. I'll have to check into it.
I am the author of the article, thanks for sharing it here :)
I agree with you that this is somehow an acknowledgement of the current reality, there are already different tiers of citizen even if our constitutions say otherwise.
Yet I think that making the jump and registering this reality into the law is a process that eventually lead to the very end of the idea of a Nation as it destroys one of its founding principle.
I tried to stay neutral in the article though, I'm uncertain regarding my success.
You're welcome.
I had no idea you were a Steemer.
eventually lead to the very end of the idea of a Nation
you say that like it's a bad thing.
May I recommend that you read
Amazon.com: The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer ... paying particular attention to Phyles
Also consider the MonkeySphere
Which...brings to mind The Iron Law
The synthesis implies that nations are a KLUDGE. They were cobbled together over countless years and untold deaths and suffering have resulted. The only thing that they had going for them was that they were better than any other alternative.
Until now.
The Birth of the Nation as a Service is a start.
Sorry if I was unclear. I agree that nations, at least as we currently know them are extremely inefficient. I'm just also slighted worried that the NaaS become a pretext to instaure the rule of the strongest as law (=> write in stone (Law/Constitution) the current state of affairs, making it even harder/really impossible to reverse).
Part of the huge inefficiency of our current states are their inability to enforce properly: rich people avoiding justice and taxes, minorities targeted by the police...
Glad to see you adopting the term adopting the term though, I will keep writing on the topic I think as there so many questions left to answer. The next one will probably be around the "monopoly of legitimate violence" in a NaaS, and overall the enforcement in a NaaS.
Thanks for suggesting some reading. I was familiar already with the idea of the monkey sphere and the Iron Law (called differently in French), but had never heard about the Phyles.
Edit: I've read the Cryptonomicon with a lot of interest, and just found out that Neal Stephenson is behind The Diamond Age. I'll definitely give it a read thanks for the rec!
you're welcome.
hope to see more of your writing.
did you buy an Estonian citizenship yet? with an Estonian ID and a bus pass you can ride the bus!
I haven't yet no.
If/when it becomes advantageous to me to do so I will.
A lot of places will sell you a citizenship.
true..but that's not the whole point.
This should be compulsory as per my opinion.