11 Teens Die Every Day

in #discussion7 years ago

Due to Texting While Driving
Where's the 'march for our lives' against Texting?


The death and destruction caused by someone doing something stupid is always sad. Hopefully I have finished my personal contribution to stupid things people do. I'm not sure how much good another law would do. Plenty of things are illegal that humans continue to do. A march may bring some awareness and save some lives, so let's have one big march against STUPID.

consider it to be...'evolution in action'

Sadly much of the stupidity comes directly from government and laws.

The almost complete absence of virtue and ethics in the modern culture of consumerism is largely the culprit.

We need to somehow acquire the notion that respect for all life and our mother earth is primary. All the rest would follow.

Do no harm.
Do no violence unto others.

Here's how we can sabe lives. According to statistics only 7 children and teens are killed every day from guns. We should take away their phones and give them guns instead!

I'm sure a list of deaths per day to reasons other than guns (especially if you ignore suicides), is a very, very long one.

The commies need this one though. Slavery with Ar15's just doesn't work!

It is really disheartninghow reckless and careless teenagers can be behind the wheels. There will certainly be loss of concentration for whoever texts while driving.

I believe stricter control and penalty should be in place to prevent these bright starts of the future from loosing their lives recklessly.

I think that not only young people suffer from this disease but also a large part of adults ... parents have a high responsibility with family modeling, if young people see that we do it, of course they will too ... media also have to help; I have seen series or movies where this type of telephone conversations or text messages, when handled, are very common.

Let's have a march!!!

Seize their phones, for their own good, and worry about due process later.

does due process apply to children?

It doesn't seem to apply to anyone much anymore.

I see idiots all over YouTube, and even some on Steemit, who'll interact with their phones while they're driving -- they're actually filming themselves committing a crime and then posting it for the world to see!!!

Are you kidding me? How stupid is that?

If you ask me, people should be encouraged to contact the police whenever they see such videos, and the perpetrators (idiots who film themselves committing a traffic violation) should get an even larger fine/ penalty than if they were caught in the act.

Why do I think this? Because the video of them nonchalantly operating a phone and a moving vehicle at the same time will be viewed by children. It may give them the wrong idea that it's okay, or even normal, for people to text (operate a phone) and drive.

Granted, it may actually be normal, but it's only because there are so many idiots driving the streets -- it doesn't make it right.

Right after the march for our lives for the cops and FBI to do their fucking jobs.

FBI do their job?
what a novel idea.

Maybe I am not being fair, perhaps they did their job perfectly.

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