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RE: Linguistic activism, leftists have begun a full-scale war on language,

Words do change meaning over time, but it isn't necessarily because of leftist activism. It if often about being politically correct, whether leftist or rightist. Today we essentially chose to call a handicapped individual as differently enabled. There are many examples like that. Would a rightist prefer to call a black American, negro, just because that was how they were originally referred to when dictionaries were invented?


Well said @crowdocracy. Calling spade a spade isn't always politically correct.

being politically correct, whether leftist or rightist
that's called political activism and it's a characteristic of the left.
the right doesn't do that..

All right so the leftist's political activism christened handicapped as "differently abled" and rightists still call them "handicapped"? Or do they follow the leftist in being politically correct with "differently abled". And was it leftist activism that killed the term "negro and the rightists loved the political activism of the leftists? Or is it that the rightists would still chose to call them negros?

You nailed it

what day is this?
the leftists call 'people of color' something different every day.

I had a gay black mate when I lived in LA - the things I called him would have me arrested nowadays.
Context is a thing used as a weapon by the left, not a constructive tool to calculate things and how they apply.

the left doesn't appear to be very smart.

...I'm starting to think this is an IQ war, as much as anything else....

in a battle of wits
the left is unarmed.


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