Belgian Fortress Eben Emael
Belgian fortress located between Liège and Maastricht, on the Belgian-Dutch border, near the Albert Canal. It was designed to defend Belgium from a German attack across the narrow belt of Dutch territory in the region. Constructed in 1931–1935, it was reputed to be impregnable and at the time, the largest in the world.
The fort was neutralized by glider-borne German troops (85 men) on 10 May 1940 during the Second World War. The action cleared the way for German ground forces to enter Belgium, unhindered by fire from Eben-Emael. Still the property of the Belgian Army, the fort has been preserved and may be visited.
glider-borne German troops
 with 120mm in distance
Small peek holes where even shape charged.
Air vent.
Triple 60 mm cannons
One of the 60mm's next to the entrance of the fort.
American M41 Walker Bulldog