Musicgeek joins CreativeCoin - Today is Disco Tuesday
Exciting to see this Tribe moving up
Glad I finally could help and support music lovers via a creative tribe. I introduced my DiscoTuesday over one year ago to the Steem Blockchain with more or less success. I also was launching other initiatives in the Dance Music field as well as on writing content about different music styles across the world called #musicworld - I have confidence this tribe here could become my new home!
Tuesday needed a Music Topic
So - here comes Disco Tuesday - open for all the lovely Disco Songs you might want to share with the community - That can be all music played in any discotheque around your countries. No limitation for styles at all - so this can include anything you are dancing to in a club no matter which genre.
Ideally choose some cool Disco sounds you like to dance in the clubs around you - can be also tunes from the styles above but would love to see diversity. I am starting with two awesome Disco Tracks - that even include the DISCO title in the name of their songs.
what about this 1?
and here a great techno remix
YEAH - this is awesome, both version buddy! You should hover to creativecoin my friend
creative tribe just got more creative and stylish with this one
Thanks, that sounds nice buddy!