in #dinosaurs2 years ago (edited)


The class "Dinosauria" was originally defined by "Sir" Richard Owen of the Royal Society, and Superintendent of the British Museum Natural History Department in 1842.

In other words, the existence of dinosaurs was first speculatively hypothesized by a knighted museum head "coincidentally" in the mid 19th century, during the heyday of evolutionism, before a single dinosaur fossil had ever been found.

The Masonic media and mainstream press worldwide got to work hyping stories of these supposed long-lost animals, and then lo and behold, 12 years later in 1854, Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden during his exploration of the upper Missouri River, found "proof" of Owen’s theory.

A few unidentified teeth he mailed to leading paleontologist Joseph Leidy, who several years later declared them to be from an ancient extinct "Trachodon," dinosaur (which beyond ironically means "rough tooth").

Firstly, it should be needless to say that it is impossible to reconstruct an entire hypothetical ancient animal based on a few teeth. But even more importantly, it is dubious that a myriad of ancient reptile/bird and reptile/mammal transitional forms necessary for the blossoming theory of evolution, would be hypothesized and then conveniently "discovered" by teams of evolutionist archeologists purposely out looking to find such fossils.

And it is even more dubious that such fossils have supposedly existed for millions of years but were never found by or known to any civilization in the history of humanity until evolutionism’s Masonic renaissance in the mid 19th century.


According to the World Book Encyclopedia, Before the 1800's no one ever knew that dinosaurs existed. During the late 1800's and early 1900's, large deposits of dinosaur remains were "suddenly discovered".

From around 1870 to 1880 became a period in North America where some of the most underhanded shenanigans in the history of science were conducted. In what was known as "The Great Dinosaur Rush" or "Bone Wars," Edward Drinker Cope of the Academy of Natural Sciences and Othniel Marsh of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, began a life long rivalry and passion for "dinosaur hunting."

They started out as friends but became bitter enemies during a legendary feud involving double crossing, slander, bribery, theft, spying, and destruction of bones by both parties. Marsh is said to have discovered over 500 different ancient species including 80 dinosaurs, while Cope discovered 56. It is alleged that out of the 136 dinosaur species supposedly discovered by the two men, however, only 32 are presently considered valid, the rest have all proven to be falsifications and fabrications.

None of them once claimed to find a complete skeleton either, so all their work involved reconstructions. In fact, to this day no complete skeleton has ever been found, and so all dinosaurs are reconstructions.



Why are there no discoveries by native Americans in all the years previous when they roamed the American continents ?

There is no belief of dinosaurs in the Native American religion or tradition. For that matter, why were there no discoveries prior to the nineteenth century in any part of the world ?

According to the World Book Encyclopedia, "before the 1800's no one ever knew that dinosaurs existed." During the late 1800's and early 1900's, large deposits of dinosaur remains were discovered …..... Why has man suddenly made all these discoveries ?



No tribes, cultures or countries in the world ever discovered a dinosaur bone before the mid 1800s, and then they were suddenly found all over the world in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Argentina, Belgium, Mongolia, Tanzania, West Germany and many other places apparently had large deposits of dinosaur fossils never before seen.

All these places were inhabited and well explored for thousands of years before this time, why had no one ever found a dinosaur fossil before ?


Whatever destination these establishment funded archeologists and paleontologists set, it seemed they found incredible numbers of fossils in tiny areas.

In one of the largest dinosaur excavation sites, called the Ruth Mason Quarry, over 2,000 fossils were allegedly discovered. Casts and original skeletons assembled from these bones are currently on display in over 60 museums world wide.

Florentino Ameghino, head of paleontology at La Plata Museum is amazingly responsible for 6,000 fossil species supposedly discovered throughout his career all in Argentina. Dinosaur hunter Earl Douglass sent 350 tons of excavated "dinosaur" bones to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History throughout his career, all coming from the "Dinosaur National Monument" in Utah.

During an expedition to Patagonia, Dr. Luis Chiappe and Dr. Lowell Dingus supposedly discovered thousands of dinosaur eggs at a site of only a few hundred square yards.

Many experts have mentioned how such finds of huge quantities of fossils in one area, by just a few highlyinvested individuals, goes against the laws of natural probability and lends credence to the likelihood of forgeries or concentrated planting efforts.


Discoveries and excavations seem not to be made by disinterested people, such as farmers, ranchers, hikers, outdoor recreationists, building construction industry basement excavators, pipeline trench diggers, and mining industry personnel but rather by people with vested interests, such as paleontologists, scientists, university professors, and museum organization personnel who were intentionally looking for dinosaur bones or who have studied dinosaurs previously.

The finds are often made during special dinosaur bone hunting trips and expeditions by these people to far-away regions already inhabited and explored. This seems highly implausible. More believable is the case of the discovery of the first original Dead Sea scrolls in 1947, which were unintentionally discovered by a child, and which were all published by 1955. In some cases of a discovery of dinosaur bones by a disinterested person, it was suggested to them by some "professional" in the field to look or dig in a certain area.

Also very interesting to note are special areas set aside and designated as dinosaur parks for which amateur dinosaur hunters are required to first obtain a dinosaur hunting license.




Via fb Conscious Evolution

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