My introduction as a online marketer .

Digitallettribe ($500k/year)
Tanmay Ray(from India, Odisha, and Bhubaneswar) started the digitallet tribe almost 4years ago.

Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?
Hey Everyone, my name is Tanmay ray and I am the founder of the digitallet tribe a Digital Marketing Agency that helps the normal individual to start a profitable online business with all they have a smartphone and internet connection

We are specialists when it comes to creating & executing affordable digital marketing strategies that turn clicks into paying customers. We use social media and search engines to drive target buyers to your storefront or website to explode sales using our OCM (Organic Content Method ).
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Monthly revenue is often the indicator many people use to determine the success of an agency or individual. While I don’t disagree, I put more emphasis on the success of our clients and the fact that we retain clients for many years, and in our case, many for over a decade. We have consistently been over 7-figures year over year.

What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?

My intention during and after high school was to move to a college and complete my graduation (degree ) and complete my education and give a new direction to my career. However, I was persuaded to try my hand at college which eventually took me down the path where I am today.

I grew up in a middle-class family although my father was running a business, which came to an end due to a financial crisis this is where my struggle begins.

My first job was at footwork as telecaller . then started freelance recruiting but was determined (or stubborn) to make it alone with the help of no one (NOTE, this was a dumb idea and everyone should get help at every stage of life). When I started, I thought I was in a better position. It turned out I was in the worst position, responsible for hiring candidates to get them hired. It was the best thing to ever happen to me at this stage in my young career.

I was forced to post and advertise unnecessarily and waste money on paid ads for companies, and help candidates over the phone - I learned one of the greatest skills of all time, how to
recruit over the phone. I had never known anything, I learned recruitment in 3 days, then practiced every single day. This position lasted 30 days, but the grass only got greener. I was somehow recruited to a company called respondent, which owned a contract basis hiring where I eventually became a top recruiter selecting candidates on behalf of companies.

I went from being the worst at recruitment in the company to the top 10 in the company. I took my recruitment learnings from my first telecalling job and processing to inform individuals about various internet advertising, Real Estate Agents, Brokers, Lenders, and those involved in various business transactions.

After just a few years, I left futwork and respondent (for no reason whatsoever, I loved working there) to start my own company. Young, dumb, no plan, no office, no product, no smart idea, but I had one thing to offer… I decided to help individuals via content on the internet and various social platforms.

Somehow if you are annoyed by your boss, 9-5, and want to make a good ching -chang just visit the link I am providing and start making money on respondent, it's too easy to be enrolled on respondent anyone can do it with basic internet skill, just go complete the screening test and you are qualified, just make sure be genuine while answering the test, otherwise your entry will be prohibited.

I went online, brought courses, started exploring mentors' pages, and content creators' pages finished all modules, and started practicing internet marketing. my content ended up getting viral and i started getting Dm's about how i make contents and how i generate passive income monitizing my social profile.

.Making valuable content to inspire conversions
.Design interactive ads that attracted an ideal client
. Landing page design which helped convert clicks to leads and provided personal mentorships and content creation work for individuals and for brands.

In my relationship with Futwork and the respondent, they had worked with over 40,000 companies & hired candidates, and delivered a good amount of responses in time. This helped me finance my company, grow, scale, and build into a full-service digital marketing agency serving multiple companies and individuals from Social Media and Search Engines
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Take us through the process of digital marketing and earning our first dollar with OCM .

My very first service was a Recruiting service where I helped candidates get hired, helping companies find the ideal match for job, and used my experience from to make my clients stand out online over the millions of marketers out there .

Describe the process of launching the business.

I had no strategy at first, just determination, undeniable focus, and a work ethic that would never fail me. This style certainly has it’s mental challenges but I just think of Rocky Balboa and the song “Eye of the Tiger”.

That was a bad plan. I did not anticipate all the hats I would have to wear from paying bills, accounting, sales, fulfillment, vendor management, and the part that makes any business survive… SALES.

I had to organize each day with prioritizing content in the daylight, get creators and marketers to do their jobs on time and get them trained to be more valuable, then all else was an after 6 pm task. content above all were the focus.

I’m still learning lessons today but some of my early lessons:

Provide more value than the price the client pays
Communicate clearly and often to clients to retain them
Sell like crazy to last .

Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?

I have been a believer in putting myself in my customer's shoes. If we're asking them for money today in exchange for more money in the future, what skills & tools would I need on my team to execute?

This model of being aware and empathetic to the client's situation has helped me offer better service, improve the offering, make my team indispensable to our clients where my team is more valuable than their investments in their stock portfolio, homes they own, or any other investment they could possibly make.

How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

Things are looking very bright at digitallet tribe . We’ve been in the Digital Marketing space since 2018. Working with brands like and many other name brands. Since we are a small business, we love working with other small business owners to give them a level up to grow faster with our marketing execution.

Our future is exciting. We have added even more value ads to our core services, that go beyond driving traffic and qualified leads, but also include lead nurturing, and follow-up services.

Our value proposition is massive so it completely outways pricing for any business that wants to seriously grow and make the change to our platform. I always say, the grass is greener on our side of the fence, you owe it to your business and staff to go with what is best for your bottom line!

Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?

I have learned so much. My decision making and ability to adapt are much sharper since they are much more meaningful for myself and my team.

I have also made awful decisions which I have learned the most from such as losing a multi-seven figure contract and making incorrect hires and not firing fast. The failures sting the most but feel the best on the other side when you get through them. Just like going into a very hard work out at the gym that you really don't want to do, but when you make it out, you feel great and are motivated for the challenge and seek it.

What has really helped me the most is clear communication with everyone on my team whether it is positive or negative, we are a family and we must communicate as a family to continue to grow. I keep a daily list of my tasks that must get complete and share my list with my team so everyone knows what I am up to so they know I am going to compete and work hard just like I expect out everyone.

What platform/tools do you use for your business?
Today, you have to leverage technology to advance your business. Here’s some of my tech stack:

1 - Organic traffic generator tool - For SEO Purposes

2 - Funnel mastermind for sales - For lead conversions

3 - Auto chart for client support - For handling client queries

4 - Automated method for recurring income -

Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?

My #1 tip in learning is to focus on your goals, not someone else’s. Not Gary Vee, not your parents, not someone who inspires you, or someone that wants to see you fail. Get extremely clear on what you want in your life and future, document it, and make every effort to get there. Eventually, this will be your “flag” of the territory of YOU and you will do whatever it takes to reach it. Success is what you decide it to be. Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Mark Cuban, and Bill Gates all had different goals and determination for success, you will too.

Write down your goals every day. Work out 3-5 times a week and keep your body in shape so you can have high energy and be in a better mood. Be around smarter people and vet out quality mentors that want to see you succeed. Stay LASER focused on your goal, do not get distracted or you will go down a rabbit hole and you will start seeing results like this .
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Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?

Currently, I am looking for a digital marketing assistant to help take more tasks off my plate such as refining and tweaking my sales funnel content, write email newsletters and send to our database, assist with my chatbot messages, assist automating follow-ups and personalizing follow-ups for warm leads that are closer to signing with us. I help nurture, train, optimize motivated individuals to scale their talent and get shit done! sign up and start earning from day 1


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