Key to Success based on Blockchain Technology
Reduce Pain Points in Every Day Life
Pain Point Description
Stephen Covey outlined “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” So, imagine yourself being in the process of scheduling your priorities as proposed:
Keeping in mind that your cleaners for the apartment will arrive at four o’clock... - this could turn out to be tricky since your meeting at work will last until 3.30 p.m. The traffic must go smooth in order to arrive on time at your apartment. And the long-wished pizza that can only be delivered until 7 p.m., but your group fitness course takes until 7 p.m. as well. This would mean to either abstain from the pizza or drop your fitness course. Overall a matter of arranging different activities leading to a stressed rush throughout your day in order to arrive just in time.
Assumed, that you were able to schedule your priorities - get your keys! But where is the key card for the gym, apartment key, post box key, bike lock key...? You start to search for each key and end up running late for work, your group fitness class...
Have you ever had this kind of situations? Do the following pictures look familiar to you?
Blockchain Potential?
Based on the Blockchain Technology a digital key is created in order to reduce the described pain points in everyday life. Let’s see how this will be processed:
- Digital key for many use cases
Again, take a look at the huge amount and variety of keys you can see in the pictures above. The Digital Key will allow you to access anything with only one device. Accessing the gym, opening the post box or your apartment will be proceeded with your device containing the digital key. Searching for your key will be a thing of the past.
- Granting access for third party by using the digital key
The digital key can be also shared with third parties. Thus, access can be granted to someone else for a certain time period.
Just imagine that your apartment will be cleaned while you are working without giving away a key to strangers. You are able to easily share a digital key with your cleaning team that expires after duration of cleaning.
Moreover, the pizza deliverer could quickly open your apartment door and drop the pizza in your kitchen when you are not home yet. This would mean sharing your key for a couple minutes, but being on the safe side that neighbors cannot take the tasty smelling pizza.
Reduce Pain Points in Every Day Life! – A Collaborative Blog
For more information see this post: