DIGITAL BITS: a whole new experience
DIGITAL BITS: together we can
Given that the internet is a mecca of information and file sharing, a question arises- can we trust what happens behind the scenes?
As it stands today, the use cases of blockchain technology are relatively limited. Think back to the internet in the early 90’s — as promising as the internet was at the time, it was a very impractical concept to grasp for most.
In order for blockchain to be accepted on a wide scale level, it needs to be relatable. For example, data storage on the internet is centralized. Centralized data storage means that if servers fail or are breached by malicious actors, privacy and sensitive information can be compromised. This is where the functionality of decentralization comes to play.
Thanks to blockchain technology, a complete peer-to-peer network distributes data among
mutually agreeing parties. Although, blockchain carries with it problems which has continously served as a impediment to its adoption.
Even though I won't have the luxury of time pointing out some of these key issues, it is important to note that, the hallmark is the negativity they Poses on customer's satisfaction, a key index towards attaining structural growth and development.
This is why digital bits has evolved to leverage on these inefficiencies and on the long run converting them into meaningful throughput for the benefit of the community (blockchain).
It aims to achieve this through several strategies it has devised including a loyalty and reward points program (LRPs) where customers can be rewarded for their loyalty and participation, high token liquidity as well as a high dynamic scalability which will handle a wide range of customers.
It is a global village and there is need to move forward, that's why you need to join this movement towards uplifting the blockchain technology by joining the digital bits token sale. To learn more, visit: