POLITICS Just A "Side" Show To Keep Us Distracted.
Do you get the feeling that what's been going on with our political parties since the 2016 presidential election campaign is nothing more than a "side" show to keep everyone in the USA and in the world so distracted with watching and reading the daily news that we are just way too busy to stay focused on the things that really matter?
Take for instance the topic of money and currency 💲. Should any of us be worried at all about what is happening in our world both now and in the future to the paper money and Coinage that we've all used for decades as everyday currency for buying and selling?
Bitcoin, Altcoins, PayPal, Blockchain technology, etc... incredibly enough, I only just became fully aware of all of this SATOSHI NAKAMOTO initiated tehnology and financial systemic trend in late 2020. For a change that is taking place way to fast and affecting virtually (pun not intended) the entire known world...I should have been privy to Digital Currency news and trending technology way sooner. 2008 would've been a much better year for me to have learned about Digital Cash, Coin, and Currencies. Believe it or not, even watching the great movie "READY PLAYER ONE" (the story of which takes place in a US city where I once lived) when it first came out didn't seem to alert me to what was going on with the world's financial and currency systems.
So, I digress. NEED I SAY MORE? The political drama that has been so common place in our world is a theatrical production that those of us who truly desire to stay healthy and prosperous should seriously consider ignoring as much as we possibly can. It serves no useful purpose to
even monitor such a deceptive, dishonest, corrupt and fraudulent group of people we call politicians when all they do is seek after money, power, wealth and influential status for themselves even to the point of targeting any one person (D. J. Trump?) who seems to be trying to serve, help and make a difference for the people at large so as to seek to destroy any chancea such an uncommon human being may have to actually be able to help a country's citizens to enjoy a decent, peaceful and safe kind of life.
In conclusion, my present resolve is to stay out of it! It is a good idea for me to get serious about my financial future and well-being by leaving politicians and their political parties and theatrical antics to those who have a lot of time to waste. As for me, Bitcoins, Altcoins, Steem, TRON and the whole Blockchain, Crypto currency Digital Cash technology trend of late is a much better place to be and a much more rewarding pursuit to undertake. 💲🅱️💲🤔 https://images.app.goo.gl/sHJg2gCGSBwzdmqu8