Cloth diapers are one of the best decisions we made as a parents

in #diapers7 years ago

So, as we are about to expand our family with a new incomer, the need for diapers is back. With our first child we used cloth diapers. How did it come to that? Well, my wife takes the credit, of cousre. Whatever happens in our life she does the research.

At the time of the arrival of our first child we were, kinda, out of money. My wife didn't have a job and my paycheck was merely enough for the rent and the bills, sometimes only for the rent, so she started researching and come to me one day with an idea.

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"Why don't we use cloth diapers?" she said.

"Cloth diapers? What is that? Why?"

And then she told me that we could save money, and I said OK. When you use cloth diapers you just have to buy them once and you are set to go untill your child grows out of them. At the time I was not worried about how I'm going to scoop the crap out or where to hold the shitty diapers. It was all about the money.

Now I'm a huge cloth diaper fan. Cloth diapers are much healthier than "ordinary" diapers. And it is not like you wrap a child in samo rags or something. Modern cloth diapers are fancy and trendy. I promote them when I get a chance. I even asked my friend who worked at the local onlne portal to do a story.

Disposable diapers makes 5% of Croatia's total waste. Using cloth diapers we help our planet. We are now implementing sorting of the waiste in our country, where you pay for as much waste you produce. And guess what, we are saving money on that to. So with cloth diapers you are helping the enviroment while saving money.

The thing I always repeat to those who ask me what are the benefits of cloth diapers is that my daughter never had a need for baby cremes. We spent half of a small pack of creme which you get for sample. So it's healthier and you don't spend money on cremes as well. Disposable diapers cointains all sorts of different chemicals for better absorption which can dry out the baby's skin and rashes of all kind are more common. Also in disposable diapers baby's always have the feeling that they are dry and while in cloth diapers they are wet they grow their sense of their bodily needs earlier.

Scooping crap out of diapers really isn't the worst thing in life. You have to scoop it from the "ordinary" diapers as well. Only here you don't throw away the diaper but you throw away the crap into the toilet, wash out the remains with the shower and put the diaper in the container on your balcony. You even have a bamboo papers to put inside the diaper so the scooping is a little easier. BUt it really isn't a problem. It just sounds bad you here it for the first time.

And finally there is washing of the diapers you have to do every three to four days. You just take them and throw it in the washing machine and that is it. Dry them out and they are ready to go again.


So, as I said we are waiting for the second child now and guess what? We can use the diapers we used with the first one. Woow. Not spending money again!! OK, I admit we bought a couple more because some of the diapers are worn out and we can afford a couple extra diapers now.

Nice thing about cloth diapers is that you can order them in different colours, you can even saw on something like Sponge Bob on it so it looks funny.


We also made friends with another cloth diapers couple @alktoni and @big.mama but that's just us. We are loveable persons.

Conclusion. If you want to save money, make friends, make your baby comfortable and help the enviroment use cloth diapers.

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Moji su mene motali u obične platnene, one grube oldskul krpe :D
Odlična stvar, vidila sam kod Klare, širi se info o njima sve više :)
Someday ću tribat takvih infoa što više :D

You are utterly adorable, not just lovable. The problem I have with this post is that I don't see the best diaper from your collection anywhere. And we both know what that is. Wink, wink.

Najbolji kroj pelene ikad.

Hehe, evo bas si uboja s ovon temom. Ja iman sestomisecnog sina, zena je komentirala i izrazila zelju za kupnjom platnenih pelena i odma smo poceli saistima. Odlicna stvar, po mom mišljenju, jeftinije i kad pogledas, ako dode drugo dite i dalje imas te pelene za koristiti znaci odma manje troška za drugo dite bas ono sta si i napisa. Odlican post 👍

Malo nas je konzumerizam oglupija pa ne znano dalje pampersa. Al kad malo zagrebeš ispod površine ima svakakvih rješenja.

I'm with you, lady! My mum raised me in cloth diapers and now my sisters do the same. It's SO much better for the environment and also probably so much nicer for the baby. Good for you!!

Money, enviroment and most of all smooth baby's skin.

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