DevPortal Update 4: Javascript, Contribution Guidelines, Search

in #devportal7 years ago (edited)

In our last update we discussed how we made the portal more useful to developers with some organizational improvements, added deep linking of API definitions and ‘curl’ examples, as well as two new Javascript tutorials. We have now added even more Javascript tutorials, contribution guidelines, fixed some bugs, and made the portal more readable. Details below.


We’ve added 5 new Javascript tutorials to our tutorials repo. They'll be added to the tutorials-js readme and dev-portal Javscript section in the coming weeks. In addition, all of our Javascript tutorials now support using webpack dev server, which means you can edit the source and see the results instantly in your browser.

Contribution Guidelines

We've added contribution guidelines, which will help ensure that if members of the community wish to contribute they know the best way to do so. Contributions that follow those guidelines will be the first to get the attention of the Steemworks team.

Bug Fixes, Search, Office Hours

We've fixed a number of bugs, including one that improves Search. Now finding the information you need should be easier than ever.

We’ve also continued to hold office hours in the Discord Channel, where we communicate directly with developers who have questions for the team.

Broadcast Operation Types and Formatting

Finally, we’ve added documentation for around 50 broadcast_operation types. and we improved the formatting of code blocks on the site to make them more aesthetically pleasing and readable.

Thank you for reading this Dev Portal update. Our goal with these updates is to inform developers of what we’re doing to provide community developers the resources they need, and make Steem the blockchain of opportunity. The Steemworks team is doing great work and we encourage you to check it out for yourself at Feedback is always welcome, whether it’s about tutorials we should add or other improvements we should make. Email suggestions to Steemit’s Developer Advocate at [email protected], with the subject line “devportal - $subject”.

Steemworks Team


I'm glad to see you are being way more communicative than before, thanks for that !

I have a question though that is not related to that post but to Steemit, Inc. What is your stance on people that abuse the Steemit account creation system to create flagging bots ? It's something that I found out existed quite recently, the user @camillesteemer (at least I'm 99% sure it's her that created all these bots) started creating Steem accounts (@a-steemdefleague, @a-cmsidl, @a-alphasteem, @trollshunter, @camillesteemer) through your account creation system to flag anyone she believed to be trolls (me included). The list of such "trolls" includes respected users and services such as @arcange and @steemcleaners. I got on the list by flagging a post that was plagiarizing my content so don't think that this "trolls" list is full of real trolls/abusers. I wouldn't usually ask you about that kind of stuff but since it's your delegated power that's being used, I feel like it's your responsibility to clearly express your stance on the matter. I personally don't care about the flags I'm getting from those accounts, their weight is largely overpowered by the real votes I get on my posts/comments, but that is most probably not the case for new users that don't have much of a following yet and could feel threatened by these bots and ultimately decide to leave Steem.

Edit: you can add @steemittopfan, @astipmonkey, @ilikesteemit, @besttopsteemer, @azobifly and @aloader to that list, another freshly created flagging bot.

Glad to see development continuing...

I have a question for you guys, does the Steemit blog post anywhere else? Like Medium or YouTube or Reddit?

Because honestly I really feel like there is a lack of exposure for STEEM and Steemit. The biggest subreddit for cryptocurrencies on reddit seems to have no clue about STEEM and I really think it's a missed opportunity.

I run a small ( but growing ) YouTube channel dedicated to cryptocurrencies and honestly I'm thinking of doing weekly update videos for STEEM and the apps on the platform just to drive some more exposure.

Anyways, the point of this rambling post is I think you guys should double down on your marketing efforts because no one has a clue about all of the cool new features that are coming up.

It would certainly be nice to see Steemit do some outreach to users outside of the Steem ecosystem, but my guess is that they are postponing this until the next hardfork, which will allow users to sign-up with less issues.

Wow! You guys really stepping up on the communications game! Good on you!

Not quite as thrilling as "OMG @steemitblog posted, really?"

but I do like it. Communication is great. The lack of it gives birth to much speculation.

Would be great if someone from the team could be available for a bi-weekly or even monthly chat session so we could as you about specific topics. People tend to post curiosities but they rarely get answered by the team, it would be great to have a way to get answers from the source.

If you have questions for the team, you're welcome to ask them in the discord: Or in the comments to posts like this one :)

Oh wow sweet! More tutorials are always great and with webpack it really streamlines the learning and conception process through on-the-fly feedback. Keep it coming guys; I am very impressed with all the enhancements being introduced to the platform and the community updates letting us know!

Thank you so much for the update.

Good to see that there is a Developer Advocate who is only an email away :)

Thank you so much for the Javascript tutorials!

Good post and useful, Thank you.

I like to read this, terimaksis over everything you've told here.

I can't believe! You are actually improving devs tutorials!! You will notice how everyone is overly surprise by the amount of activity you show since... forever.

I am not jumping to the roof but well maybe all hope is not lost with steem. Quite a lot of work is needed is you won't, your so-called, SMT to work.

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