Pastor Gabriel Prosper
Streams of Grace Global Ministries
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“...the Sun of Righteousness (shall) arise with healing in His wings…” (Malachi 4:2 (KJV).

My friend, at the Cross, Jesus did not just take away your sins. He also gave you His righteousness! A divine exchange took place–your sins for His righteousness. This means that, today, you are as righteous as Christ Himself—not because of your good works, but because of His finished works!

Beloved, the Sun of Righteousness shines daily upon you! He is the One that has made you eternally righteous! Not only that, there is also healing in His wings! If you are sick, receive your healing now in Jesus’s Name!

WE ARE NOT just the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. We are as well the healed of God. There is righteousness, healing, wholeness, fulfillment, prosperity and so much more in the unsearchable riches of God’s grace. Glory!
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He gave you health and wholeness. There is prosperity, success, abundance and shalom in His wings. And it’s under His wings that you dwell, and at the same time He lives in you. You are His Headquarters. What an awesome place to be!
In our opening Scripture, prophetically speaking Jesus is referred to as SUN; the purpose of the Sun in the Scriptures is in Genesis 1:14,16 (KJV): "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: [16] And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also."

Beloved, the sun is for signs, seasons, days and years. Thus, since Jesus is the Sun of Righteousness and He is in you, this means the seasons of your life are not regulated by your bank account or the country that you live. The seasons of your life are regulated by the Sun of Righteousness. He lives in you. He talks in you. He walks and works through you. As you yield to the Motions of the Spirit of God. Glory to God!

The seasons of life are not dependent on your qualifications. They are dependent on the qualifications of the Sun of Righteousness, for as He is so are you in this. He died and gave you life. He is that Life that He gave you. He that has the Son has life. Thus, the seasons of your life are regulated by His finished works and not by your geographical location. He is your life. He is your health, wholeness and prosperity.

Say this with me: The sun of righteousness shines upon all that concerns me daily! Thus, the seasons of my life are regulated by his finished works, and I am vitally blessed multi-dimensionally! In Jesus name!

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