Take us back to the old altar

in #devotion7 years ago


It is blasphemy to gather young men and be teaching them methods of church growth, when they cannot pray for 1hour or 2hours daily..

I may not have been old in ministry.
But I was born in the church...

In a time when church was growing from the knee...

I was born in a time when people used to troop to church from kilometers away, without any invitation, no handbill, no bulk sms...

And when you ask them, they will tell you they were in the dreams, and God showed them the church in the dream and gave them directions...

Check inside that church,somebody was praying inside the vestry...

Some of them were banished...

Some were divorced by their husbands...

Some were pulled out from school...

All because they started attending the church...

But they remained...

Today, once you speak to your member any how, he will get offended and stop coming to church...

Next week, they would have made him assistant pastor in the church next street...

Those are the kind of members our church growth methods can attract ...

Jesus said: "No one can bring them except my Heavenly Father draws them..."

And told us: ... "Pray ye the Lord of the harvest..."

Lord, take us back to our knees..

Methods have failed us ...

Our fathers knelt down and demons ran away from communities where they were domiciled..

The only constant memory I have of my late father was his kneeling position...

Even at old age he knelt down almost all through the night...

No wonder communities saw him and their native doctors ran away...

And evil forests were handed over to him, free by the villagers ...

He conquered those ancient demons...

And today, to the glory of God mighty churches are standing in those places now...

They didn't go to school...

But they were taught how to kneel ...

My brother, sir, God will never abandon a kneeling generation ....

Am in tears here...

We have bragged with shadows enough ...

No wonder we have started using church positions to attract them to church...

No wonder we don't preach certain things again, so that they don't get angry and leave...

Because we know that it is not the Holy Ghost that brought them...

We know how we stole them from the churches we were invited to minister...

A generation of ministers who are tired in the place of prayer has nothing to offer to this degenerating generation

Oh Spirit of Grace and Supplication,...

Please, invade our lives again...

Oh Lord of the harvest...

Cause us to keel in Prayer again...

.... Lord, make us to encounter You as did Great oracles of Old....

Sir/Ma, let us go back to our knees...

It is the old fashioned way that wields greatest power on earth...

Jonah used it inside the belly of the fish and he won a whole city with just one message...

Peter and others while hiding used it, and with a single message, 3000 joined the church...

Among them were bankers, doctors, engineers, fashion designers and captains of industries...

No posters and no handbills...

And they were among those that defended the gospel even in the face of martyrdom...

They were beheaded...

Some were burnt alive...

While some were tied to horses and dragged to pieces, to their deaths...

Yet, they never had any cause to denounce Jesus...

Because they were all looking for a city whose Builder and Maker is God...

Friends, whatever that was not gotten in the place of prayer cannot stand the test of time...
The Bible said: "Whatever the Lord doeth standeth forever..."

Sir/Ma, lets trust God for grace to kneel again ...

How can Satan allow the prophecies over our ministries to come to pass when he knows the threat we are to his kingdom?...

No wonder he has stolen our prayer lives..

No wonder He has quenched our hunger for His Presence...

If Jesus needed to pray to fulfil the prophesies on His head, why do we think that just reading a book written about church growth will do the work for us?...

I am talking to only those who have not forgotten what God showed them when they first began...

It is time to kneel again...

Let's get back on our knees, reclaiming lost souls in the place of Prayer.

Beloved, cry and fast for personal and generational Revival....

Pray that God should raise die hard Revivalists in this generation....

Don't be selfish in prayer, it doesn't matter if it's you or another person, Ask God to send down APOSTOLIC REVIVAL as of Old.....
Ask God to send Back Revival upon this Generation in the name of Jesus.

Hear what the Spirit says to the Churches: Cry for Revival Beloved!
_O God Arise, and Revive us by Your Spirit and Fire in Jesus' name

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