Thoughts on DevCon4 recap Part 1 @thebtcpodcast

in #devcon46 years ago

Thoughts on DevCon4 recap Part 1

Devcon4 Recap Part 1

Note that my "Thoughts on..." posts are reactions to statements made during the podcast, so until actually do enough to make note of timestamps, you would need to listen to podcast first, then read my thoughts. If you haven't listened to the episode yet, reading my thoughts ABOUT the episode will naturally contain spoilers. Therefore, I want to be a good Steemian and warn you:

Spoiler Alert!


I do love these kinds of recaps, especially since I REALLY wanted to fly across the world and attend a conference like this. I watch a few recaps and having some of the backstories and backstage discussions like this definitely helps. I watch @crypt0 (Omar Bham) interviews (he's posted a ton of live interviews!), and every once in a while will find someone I have no idea who it is and get their thoughts, but listening to y'all's ramblings makes me think I'm there with friends. I like it a lot (insert Jim Carrey's "I like it a lot" in the diner scene).

re: Multifactor being security (Petty) vs adoption (Demetrick)
I'd say that addressing security the right way helps adoption in the best way, because we'd all probably agree that bad or lack of proper security absolutely prevents adoption.

re: Conferences that "get it right"
I'm not a conference frequent flyer or anything, but I attend maybe a conference or two every year, and the company I work for hosts a few per year, plus we're a sponsor of various levels of dozens. I've definitely been at the receiving end of both ends of the spectrum, or maybe I should say all sections of the quadrant. I'd make a quadrant with "adequate resources" on one axis and "satisfactory result" on the other axis.

The quadrants I'm making up here end up being a cross-section of resources and ability to execute:

  • Have all the resources in the world but cannot do what they need - lack of proper execution
  • Have no resources, and everything sucks - lack of planning, lack of care, no clue, or just bad luck maybe
  • Have no resources, yet still pull it off! Amazing people
  • Have all all the resources, and everything is awesome.
Has ALL the resources but CANNOT executeHas ALL the resources and CAN execute
Has NO resources and CANNOT executeHas NO resources but CAN execute

So, in the above table, imagine resources rising on the vertical, or y axis and ability to execute improving to the right on the horizontal or x axis.

re: Reversible ICOs
Wait, you did talk about these, right? I'm more for them than against them. Milestone-based, incentive-aligning funding mechanisms seem good in my book -- although, I can't help but think that people might just take back their money because money got tight for them. Or was that not part of the thing?

re: Prague-lodytes
Ok, the name was funny.

Maybe it's just me, but I thought painting an entire city or group of people based on a select few's actions would be, like, something we probably want to call each other out on. And who knows - maybe those people you witnessed might not actually be from Prague? (I wasn't there - maybe they had their IDs out or something). But imagine this -- replay the scenario and this time, replace Prague with, say, Africa and replace you, Marcello and Petty with Biff, Danny Ryan and Glenn Guglia (the bully, Julia's Fiance, from Wedding Singer) and all of a sudden it's borderline unacceptable by mainstream peeps and likely to get someone fired by the PC police.

[Podcast is rolling]
Danny: I haven't even seen any of Africa yet.
Biff: I got a business card from one guy, and I keep it in a secure place.
Glenn: Secure? I want to know where a secure place is.  Where is that?
Biff: Right there on the floor.
Glenn: Any new movies out I can spoil for you?
[both Biff and Danny yell together]: NO!!!!!!!!!
Glenn: What do you call people from this place we're visiting?  
Danny: African people?
Biff: Bless the Rainsians?  Like in that Toto song?
Danny: Maybe it's Africaaaaaaa''aaans?
Glenn: AfriCAN'Ts.   Some of those mf'ers are AfriCAN'Ts.  We saw a drunk 
guy, when we were coming back
Biff: Dude just pissed on the floor, remember that guy?
Glenn: Yeah, just in the middle of the square, took a whiz.  
Danny: Maybe he thought the floor was a secure place?

sigh, that Danny - always bringing the funny.

What's the meaning of this, signature

Sometimes I do little reviews and thoughts on episodes from The Bitcoin Podcast (@thebtcpodcast, go to for most recent content). I post them in their Slack, which is a happenin' place, but the content there expires after 10,000 messages. Thus my decision to make the content not die by posting it here.

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