Steemmonsters / Splinterlands: Liegt (lag) es wirklich an der Blockchain ?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #deutsch4 years ago

Ich fange mit einer Meldung, die ich bei allen möglichen Aktionen im Spiel erhalte an:


Witzigerweise ist es so, dass wochenlang im Discord erzählt wurde, dass alle Fehler von der Steem-Blockchain stammen.
Nun ist das Spiel gewechselt, aber es kommen die gleichen Fehler weiterhin.

Irgendwie komisch oder ?


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Wir, die Mitglieder des German Steem Bootcamps möchten "DIE DEUTSCHE COMMUNITY" stärken und laden Dich ein Mitglied zu werden.

Discord Server an

Aktueller Kurator ist @mima2606

Sehr komisch!!

Liebe Grüße Michael


Ein jeengervote für dich von @mima2606

@mima2606 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@mima2606 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

At this point, I wonder whether SL may run its own chain.

They told before that they don't want to invest their ressources in a own chain, but if the problems persist maybe they will do.

Obvisiouly they also don't want to delegate so much Hivepower to the users. They promised before that everybody can play as much as he want and only bots are responsible for their own Hivepower but in fact I see often cases in discord and I know for one case where I can definitely say that account used no bot and they put this account on their blacklist.

So if they are not able to do classifying without mistakes they should delegate Hivepower to everybody.

I really think that this point is very unfriendly against customer.
They change the blockchain and because of this the customer must look to get Hivepower ? How it is possible ?
If they wanted to change than they should look that customer can play - they promise that you can play everytime and if they use a blockchain where you need ressource credits to interact than they should look that you have enough.

This problem would be also solved if they run their own chain - than they need not to implement something like ressource credits.

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