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RE: USA im diplomatischen Berserker-Modus

in #deutsch5 years ago (edited)

Hoffe nur diese USA Gruselgeschichte ist bald vorbei. Glaube nicht dass Russland lange auf sich warten lässt nachdem sie so viel schon investierten.
Das zeigt wieder einmal auf was für ein verbrecherisches Regime in der USA herrscht!

Asked whether Washington’s potential sanctions might undermine the construction earlier this week, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow “assumes that [Nord Stream 2] will be completed.” While Peskov did not provide much additional detail, some experts have suggested that Russian energy giant Gazprom might take over and complete the pipelaying work on its own.
Russia: US pushing ideology

Russian President Vladimir Putin has already vowed to continue with the project and has threatened "reciprocal" measures. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused the United States of pushing an ideology that hindered global trade, adding on her Facebook page: "Soon they will demand that we stop breathing."

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