Morgenroutine - hilft der Kaffee wirklich

in #deutsch6 years ago (edited)

Es ist ja wirklich erstaunlich, wieviel Menschen morgens nach dem Aufstehen erstmal ihren Kaffee brauchen.


Um es vorwegzunehmen, auch ich habe mir dieses Ritual angewöhnt, doch dazu später mehr.

Also, es klingelt der Wecker und es heißt Aufstehen.

Da gibt es die Einen, welche den Aufstehvorgang lieber in mehreren Ansätzen vollziehen, indem sie dem Wecker mit schneller Anweisung klarmachen „zu früh - versuch es später nochmal", was dieser dann auch nach Vorgabe erledigt und zwar so oft wie es ihm aufgetragen wird. An manchen Tagen kommt das vereinzelt 4 oder 5 mal vor.

Wenn die „Aufstehende Person“ es endlich geschafft hat, eine mehr oder weniger aufrechte Gehposition einzunehmen, geht es in einer nahezu vollautomatischen Aktion zur Toilette. Die mutigen Exemplare wagen bereits zu diesem Zeitpunkt schon einen ersten Blick in den Spiegel. Seltener hingegen gibt es die Menschen die den Toilettengang noch mit geschlossenen Augen vollziehen, da sie ja den Weg kennen.
Und dann endlich der tag-rettende Weg zum ersten Kaffee.


Nun hoffe ich das viele der "Steemian‘s" morgens wesentlich fitter und bereits voller Tatendrang aus dem Bett springen, nachdem sie eh ohne Wecker (technisches Hilfsmittel) aufgewacht sind. Doch wie geht es weiter? Sehnt ihr Euch dann auch schon nach Kaffee oder pflegt ihr ein anderes Ritual?
Was machen eigentlich die „Nicht-Kaffee-Trinker“ ?
Hier gibt es ja einiges was für das Ankurbeln des Stoffwechsels auch viel effektiver ist. Ein Glas klares Wasser oder Ingwerwasser. Auch ein Tee am Morgen ist sicherlich was Gutes. Doch ganz ehrlich - einen gewöhnten Kaffeetrinker zu „swichen“ wird sicherlich schwierig.


... man kann auch nicht jegliches Kaffeetrinken über einen Kamm scheren. Es beginnt ja schon damit, wie der Kaffee zubereitet wird. Den passionierten Filterkaffee-Trinker, der noch ganz von Hand mit kochendem Wasser aufbrüht wird wohl eher selten anzutreffen sein. Am anderen Ende der Enthusiasten steht dann wohl der Nespresso-Kapsel-Kaffee-Genießer, der bereit ist für eine gigantisch große Auswahl an verschiedenen Kaffeesorten etwas mehr Geld hinzulegen. Mit immer wieder neuen, zeitlich begrenzten Special-Edition kann man die wahrhaftige Vielfalt von Kaffeegenuss erfahren und auch in einer gewissen Art emotional erleben. (hört man aus diesen Worten schon ein wenig meine eigene Sucht ?)


Ob und wie gut und vor allem auch mit welcher Art von Kaffee der Start in den Tag besser gelingt, muss dann wohl noch genauer untersucht werden. Bin schon auf den ein oder anderen Kommentar gespannt :-)
Ich selbst denke, dass es auch ein anderes feines Getränk schaffen kann die Position der „Genussvollen Morgenroutine“ einzunehmen - wenn man es dann wirklich will. Dennoch, ich für mich, bleibe noch ein wenig auf der Entdeckungsreise durch die Kaffeewelt und genieße denn morgendlichen Moment mit mir selbst. 😁



Great article. I am a drip coffee maker guy and I start with 1 pot every morning. Tough days require a 2nd pot. I found you through the #payitforward contest. You were featured by @dipoabasch. Congratulations and best wishes.

I agree with you, I am a big fan of Coffee too, There's no single morning to start with without a cup of coffee, and of course not any kind of coffee, Aceh Coffee is the best choice, I'd prefer Robusta rather than Arabica but.. any coffee will do as long as there's coffee.

anyway, I am featured this post on Pay It Forward contest this week, you can check my post about you in this link Payitforward week 12 thank you.

Ich stimme Ihnen zu, ich bin auch ein großer Fan von Kaffee, es gibt keinen einzigen Morgen ohne eine Tasse Kaffee zu beginnen, und natürlich keine Art von Kaffee, Aceh Coffee ist die beste Wahl, ich würde lieber Robusta als Arabica aber .. jeder Kaffee reicht, solange es Kaffee gibt.

Wie auch immer, ich habe diesen Post auf Pay It Forward Contest in dieser Woche vorgestellt, du kannst meinen Post über dich in diesem Link Payitforward week 12 Danke.

Das gluck steht auf meiner Seite, denn ich brauche keinen Kaffee um morgens fett zu sein. Ein klares Wasser und ich bin voll dabei

Das lustige ist, wenn ich im Urlaub oder auf Reisen bin, brauche ich keinen Kaffee. Hab ich jetzt 3x während meiner USA-Reisen gemerkt. Bin ich aber zuhause in Deutschland, dann mach ich mir morgens auch automatisch einen Kaffee. haha :D

found your post through @dipoabasch post on pay it forward contest this week, I don't understand Deutsch language but I can use the browser translation.

Do you drink coffee to enjoy the match Germany National Football Team in The world cup? well... my husband does.

cicisaja - you are great

next time I will do it for you: ;-)

It is really amazing how many people need their coffee in the morning after getting up.

To anticipate this, I also got used to this ritual, but more about it later.

So, the alarm clock rings and it's getting up.
There are some who prefer to get up in several attempts by telling the alarm clock with a quick instruction "too early - try again later", which the alarm clock then does according to his instructions and as often as he is instructed to do so. On some days this happens 4 or 5 times.

When the "standing person" has finally managed to take a more or less upright walking position, it goes to the toilet in an almost fully automatic action. The courageous specimens already dare to take a first look in the mirror at this point. Rarely, however, are people who still go to the toilet with their eyes closed, since they know the way.
And then finally the day-saving way to the first coffee.

Now I hope that many of the "Steemian's" jump out of bed in the morning much fitter and already full of zest for action, after waking up anyway without an alarm clock (technical aid). But what happens next? Do you already long for coffee or do you cultivate another ritual?
What do the "non-coffee drinkers" actually do?
There are some things here that are much more effective for stimulating the metabolism. A glass of clear water or ginger water. A tea in the morning is certainly a good thing. But quite honestly, it will certainly be difficult to "swichen" an accustomed coffee drinker.

... you can't lump all coffee together. It all starts with how the coffee is made. The passionate filter coffee drinker, who still brews up completely by hand with boiling water, will probably rarely be found. At the other end of the spectrum is probably the Nespresso capsule coffee connoisseur, who is prepared to pay a little more money for a gigantic selection of different types of coffee. With always new, temporary special editions you can experience the true variety of coffee enjoyment and also experience it emotionally in a certain way. (can you hear a little of my own addiction from these words?)

Whether and how good and above all with which type of coffee the start into the day is better must then be examined even more closely. I am already curious about one or the other comment :-)
I myself think that another fine drink can also take up the position of the "enjoyable morning routine" - if you really want it. Nevertheless, I for myself, stay a little longer on the voyage of discovery through the world of coffee and enjoy the morning moment with myself. 😁

well... why's that more interesting reading this from your post rather than reading with the browse translation? actually My morning routine is drinkin a glass of water/warm water then doing another things like peeing and then the dawnpray (I am a muslim) and coffee will wait for another hour. it's my husband who always start his second time up of bed (we usually go back to sleep for another 2 hours, hahahaha) then A cup of black coffee.. without coffee he'll frown all day long till I made the coffee. I usually do the manual brew or boiled it altogether with a small piece of solid palm sugar.

thank you so much @techcheck
How's your feeling after the Die manschaft unable to go against the world cup curse?

Ohhh the worldcup. ⚽️
I am not happy.
But it is okay - alltimes the winner is happy and the loser are crying.

Now I have more time to write some Artikel and more time for coffee 😉

I will check your post later, that's all right.. even if you wrote it in Deutsch.. I can use the translation tools.

Aww the joys of being able to translate the page :) As you know @dipoabasch featured you in this week's #payitforward contest @pifc.

It's been a long time since I've had coffee made that way and it was always wonderful. Unfortunately, my 'morning' coffee is a treat :( Very well written article.

It is really amazing how many people need their coffee in the morning after getting up.

To anticipate this, I also got used to this ritual, but more about it later.

So, the alarm clock rings and it's getting up.
There are some who prefer to get up in several attempts by telling the alarm clock with a quick instruction "too early - try again later", which the alarm clock then does according to his instructions and as often as he is instructed to do so. On some days this happens 4 or 5 times.

When the "standing person" has finally managed to take a more or less upright walking position, it goes to the toilet in an almost fully automatic action. The courageous specimens already dare to take a first look in the mirror at this point. Rarely, however, are people who still go to the toilet with their eyes closed, since they know the way.
And then finally the day-saving way to the first coffee.

Now I hope that many of the "Steemian's" jump out of bed in the morning much fitter and already full of zest for action, after waking up anyway without an alarm clock (technical aid). But what happens next? Do you already long for coffee or do you cultivate another ritual?
What do the "non-coffee drinkers" actually do?
There are some things here that are much more effective for stimulating the metabolism. A glass of clear water or ginger water. A tea in the morning is certainly a good thing. But quite honestly, it will certainly be difficult to "swichen" an accustomed coffee drinker.

... you can't lump all coffee together. It all starts with how the coffee is made. The passionate filter coffee drinker, who still brews up completely by hand with boiling water, will probably rarely be found. At the other end of the spectrum is probably the Nespresso capsule coffee connoisseur, who is prepared to pay a little more money for a gigantic selection of different types of coffee. With always new, temporary special editions you can experience the true variety of coffee enjoyment and also experience it emotionally in a certain way. (can you hear a little of my own addiction from these words?)

Whether and how good and above all with which type of coffee the start into the day is better must then be examined even more closely. I am already curious about one or the other comment :-)
I myself think that another fine drink can also take up the position of the "enjoyable morning routine" - if you really want it. Nevertheless, I for myself, stay a little longer on the voyage of discovery through the world of coffee and enjoy the morning moment with myself. 😁

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