Criticism: Do I have to sell my LEO? - Kritik: Muss ich meine LEO verkaufen?

in #deutsch4 months ago

EN (DE unten)

Hello dear community,

Have you also staked a few LEO? I think there are at least a few here who have.

Have you read the post All LEO holders must read this by@leofinance?

I ask myself the question: Do I have to sell my LEO now?
The article calls on all holders of 100 leo or more to actively promote Inleo.

Maybe you're wondering about my choice of words, but yes, that's how it is, because it's not just asked. You should read it through.

But I want to make a few points:

When I interact with these communities, I notice something interesting. They have 1/10th our userbase size and often 1/10th the market cap of LEO. That being said, they have 10x as much activity across all social platforms and they have 10x as much force when it comes to things like telegram raids and other small initiatives on a daily basis to push the ideals of their community and spread awareness about their token ecosystem.

But it's kind of obvious that this is the case, isn't it? The communities need Telegram because they have no other platform; if Hive were so big, they would be active here and not on X or Telegram.

And there are many Hivers who no longer use the other social media platforms or only use them very little. I myself used X from time to time or even Telegram for a short time, but I now only use the blockchain.

And that will be the case for many people. Reading this, I have the feeling that users are now being asked to provide for users in order to be able to justify the proposal in retrospect. At least I haven't noticed that there are masses of new active users on Hive.

My message in the Growth Call will continue to be reiterated: it is time for the LEO stakeholders to step up. The team can feverishly build technology and also do massive marketing iniatives but the best path to growing both our token market cap and our platform's monthly active users is through word of mouth and community involvement.

I'm imagining that at the McDonald's shareholder meeting, shareholders are asked to eat at McDonald's more often and to encourage their neighbors and friends to do the same.

If you own LEO, then you should have what @taskmaster4450le refers to as "The Owner Mindset". You own the token and thus, you have a vested interest in working hard to grow the ecosysstem. You shouldn't need constant mini prizes in order to incentivize you to be engaged in activities on a daily basis that grow the platform. You already have a stake.

Work for your bags - as the meme communities would say.

What follows is a simple call-to-action for all LEO stakeholders. If you have 100 LEO POWER staked or more, I will be personally tagging you in threads and posts to come to see if you are getting active in the Telegram.

It would be enough for me and some others if the referral system would also work with self-created accounts. Because some people bring a user to Hive (Inleo) and don't want to/can't use a Twitter or Google account.

There are apps/sites where you can add the referrer afterwards. A cross-platform solution would actually have made sense here. So that no matter whether InLeo, Ecency, Peakd or whatever front end can access this information and, if necessary, remunerate something.

I'll say it explicitly here, I don't want to be tagged just because I don't advertise Inleo on X and co. where I'm not active!

If I got 495 HBD, I would also advertise some active users (don't take it seriously, do you?) LOL

Re comment by @khaleelkazi

The amount of people who are reading this as a "fuck you" is showing me how much bitterness there is.

Relax guys. Life's not that serious.

The simple call to action is: participate and be a part of this community.

If you think this is such a big fuck you, then maybe you don't belong here to be completely frank.

I can't believe how many people got butthurt by simply being asked to do the bare minimum.

Am I bitter? No, but the choice of words was not a simple question/request. It was more derogatory towards those who use Leo Staken, who bought Leo and use Inleo, but not the other platforms.

My question is rather, does Inleo really still belong to Hive or not? The Hive infrastructure is used (for which all Hivers pay in the end), but less is done for the Hive course or did I miss it?

And now I wonder, when I am logged in on Inleo and copy the link of a comment, why do I get the link as a reflink of the author? That should be my reflink when I share the link!


Hallo liebe Community,

habt ihr auch ein paar LEO gestaked? Denke, es sind zumindest ein paar hier dabei, die welche haben.

Habt ihr den Beitrag Alle LEO-Inhaber müssen dies lesen von@leofinance gelesen?

Ich stelle mir die Frage: Muss ich nun meine LEO verkaufen?
In dem Beitrag werden alle Inhaber ab 100 Leo aufgerufen, gefälligst aktiv Werbung für Inleo zu machen.

Vielleicht wundert ihr euch über meine Wortwahl, aber ja so ist es, denn es wird nicht einfach drum gebeten. Ihr solltet es euch mal durchlesen.

Ich will aber auf ein paar Punkte eingehen:

When I interact with these communities, I notice something interesting. They have 1/10th our userbase size and often 1/10th the market cap of LEO. That being said, they have 10x as much activity across all social platforms and they have 10x as much force when it comes to things like telegram raids and other small initiatives on a daily basis to push the ideals of their community and spread awareness about their token ecosystem.

Das ist aber doch irgendwie klar, dass das so ist, oder nicht? Die Communitys brauchen Telegram, weil Sie eben keine andere Plattform haben, wenn Hive so groß wäre, dann würden die hier aktiv sein und nicht auf X oder Telegram.

Und es gibt eben viele Hiver, die eben die anderen Socialmedia Plattformen nicht mehr nutzen oder nur noch ganz wenig. Ich selber hatte noch zeitweise X genutzt oder auch mal kurz Telegram, aber ich nutze nur noch die Blockchain.

Und das wir eben bei vielen der Fall sein. Ich habe beim Lesen das Gefühl, dass jetzt die User aufgefordert werden für Nutzer zu sorgen, um das Proposal im Nachhinein rechtfertigen zu können. Ich habe zumindest nicht gemerkt, dass massenweise neue aktive User auf Hive unterwegs sind.

My message in the Growth Call will continue to be reiterated: it is time for the LEO stakeholders to step up. The team can feverishly build technology and also do massive marketing iniatives but the best path to growing both our token market cap and our platform's monthly active users is through word of mouth and community involvement.

Ich stelle mir gerade vor, dass bei der Mc Donalds Aktionärsversammlung aufgerufen wird, dass die Aktionäre gefälligst öfters bei Mc Donalds essen gehen sollen und am besten auch Ihre Nachbarn und Freunde dazu animieren.

If you own LEO, then you should have what @taskmaster4450le refers to as "The Owner Mindset". You own the token and thus, you have a vested interested in working hard to grow the ecosysstem. You shouldn't need constant mini prizes in order to incentivize you to be engaged in activities on a daily basis that grow the platform. You already have a stake.

Work for your bags - as the meme communities would say.

What follows is a simple call-to-action for all LEO stakeholders. If you have 100 LEO POWER staked or more, I will be personally tagging you in threads and posts to come to see if you are getting active in the Telegram.

Mir und manch anderen würde es ja schon langen, wenn das Referalsystem auch funktionieren würde, mit selber erstellten Accounts. Denn manch einer bringt einen User zu Hive (Inleo) und möchte/kann kein Twitter oder Google Account nutzen.

Es gibt Apps/Seiten, bei denen man den Werber nachträglich eintragen kann. Hier wäre eigentlich gar eine Plattformübergreifende Lösung sinnvoll gewesen. So das egal ob InLeo, Ecency, Peakd oder welches Frontend auch immer auf diese Information zugreifen kann und ggf. etwas vergütet.

Ich sage es hier ausdrücklich, ich möchte nicht getaggt werden, nur weil ich Inleo nicht auf X und co. bewerbe, wo ich nicht aktiv bin!

Wenn ich 495 HBD bekäme, würde ich auch paar aktive User werben (nicht ernst nehmen, oder doch?) LOL

Zum Kommentar von @khaleelkazi

The amount of people who are reading this as a "fuck you" is showing me how much bitterness there is.

Relax guys. Life's not that serious.

The simple call to action is: participate and be a part of this community.


If you think this is such a big fuck you, then maybe you don't belong here to be completely frank.

I can't believe how many people got butthurt by simply being asked to do the bare minimum.

Bin ich verbittert? Nein, aber die Wortwahl war eben kein einfaches Fragen/Bitten. Es war eher abfällig gegenüber denen, die Leo Staken, die Leo gekauft haben und Inleo nutzen, aber nun mal die anderen Plattformen nicht.

Frage mich eher, gehört Inleo wirklich noch zu Hive oder nicht? Die Hive Infrastruktur wird genutzt (für die alle Hiver bezahlen im Endeffekt), aber für den Hivekurs wird weniger getan oder habe ich es übersehen?

Und jetzt frage ich mich, wenn ich eingeloggt bin auf Inleo und den Link eines Kommentars kopiere, wieso erhalte ich den Link als Reflink des Autors? Das sollte doch mein Reflink sein, wenn ich den Link weiter verbreite!

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