Ein anderes Land, dasselbe Muster...

in #deutsch4 years ago (edited)

Über den kanadischen Musiker Tom MacDonald gibt es einen unverdächtigen englischsprachigen Wikipedia-Eintrag, der bei einer ersten Orientierung hilfreich sein kann. So etwas wäre in der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia heutzutage natürlich undenkbar...

Genaueres Hinhören (Englischkenntnisse vorausgesetzt) lohnt, denn die angesprochenen Probleme gleichen denen anderer westlicher Gemeinschaften ungemein. Woher das wohl kommen mag?

Schärft schon mal die Blätter Eurer Schaufeln. Irgendwann wird es eine Menge Aufräumarbeit zu bewältigen geben und die wenigen Überlebenden werden gut daran tun, alte Fehden zu begraben und gemeinsam ums Überleben zu kämpfen, wenn sie - als Homo sapiens - nicht zusammen untergehen wollen.

Ihr glaubt mir nicht?

My teacher made me apologize to all the rest of the students on the first day of class for being white. My teacher also assigned me a black power artist and then told me to watch my privilege and I got in trouble for exploiting a Black artist in my assignment, even though I was forced to. The school wanted an excuse to drop my GPA when they said that I shouldn't get a higher grade because I am white and they need to level out the class... and take away my scholarship. Thanks, Woodbury University, I am a Jew too, maybe I should also go throw myself in an oven like people told me since I was a kid. This year has been the year that I lost all my friends because I refused to apologize to my friends for being white. They didn't just want an apology, one said sorry is not enough lol wtf do you want from me? I am poor living off food banks... my Dad came here from Israel with 2 cents in his pocket and made a living. I was raised on moldy bread by my grandparents.... all my ex-boyfriends were mexican and I barely was welcomed by their family. My father taught me how to Salsa, Bachata, Swing Dance, Foxtrot, Waltz, and Tango, when I dance the only thing people have to say is "wow a white girl dancing, that's amazing!". White tears they say... like white tears are meaningless pisswater, what are your minority tears ... holy water??? I have one thing to say to all the black, Mexican, Indian, etc. friends who said that I am using them as a "token".... May a Jew hope to tally his Germans in hopes that he may receive a token of their friendship.
I wished I wasn't white since I was a kid... my mom taught me that I had to dye my hair and tan my skin and talk with a slight accent so that I wouldn't have a hard time in my life. I am 31 years old now and I am going to say it... I am PROUD to be white and proud to be a Jew. amen

(Quelle: Youtube-User Flora L, YouTube-Kommentar zu einem anderen Song von Tom MacDonald.

DAS sind Probleme... wen interessieren da noch Cent-Spenden einer unbedeutenden Gruppe auf einer unbekannten Social-Media Plattform.

Tom MacDonald - "Fake Woke"

Artist: Tom MacDonald (YouTube-Channel)


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