Das Void Network
Seit beeindruckenden 30 Jahren gibt es inzwischen das Void Network, ein Kollektiv aus Athen, das mit seiner Theoriebeschäftigung kritisches Wissen und Denken in die anarchistische Bewegung getragen und verbreitert hat.
Über den regionalen Kontext hinaus sind sie auch transnational vernetzt und immer noch aktiv dabei, Erfahrungen und Wissen zu teilen.
Die Mischung aus Theorietexten, Filmen, Gedichten, Musik und anderen Ausdrucksformen machen die Produktion des Void Network besonders interessant. So stellt man sich eine autonome und anarchistische Theoriearbeit vor!
Selbstbeschreibung/ Self Description:
Void Network is an international anarchist, cultural, political and philosophical affinity group first appeared in 1990 in Athens / Greece – aiming global social revolution and all humans liberation from ignorance, suffering and exploitation. Strategic goals are the radicalization of every day life, social questioning, arising of critical mind, ecstatic collective symbiosis, visibility of diversities, participation to the emancipatory social struggles of our times and the creation of Utopian Public Environments by non-employed artists, thinkers and cultural activists. Other aims are the participation and creation of social centers, self-organized occupied autonomus spaces, the construction of situations in Public Space and Ephemeral Art.
Discussions, multi media lectures and poetry shows, open free festivals, multi screen Void Optical Arts Atmospheres (live cross-platform collaborations between visual artists, photographers, poets, lecturers, d.j.s), performances, documentary representations, culture jamming, organization of demonstrations, street parades and public actions, celeb!rations, social movements benefit events, raves, concerts, publications, digital activism, open collaborative workshops of artists, activists, academic scientists and spiritual friends that through dialogue, interaction and synchronized activity can manifest multi formic conditions of open access to creativity, education, free information, open liberated autonomous public zones, meeting places, places of communication, empathy, expression- protest – creation for thousands upon thousands of people.
After 1998 and through the creation of political global festivals and the participation of Void Network to the emancipatory / anarchist / autonomus “Movement Against the Globalization of Capitalism” the Void Network established contacts and creative cells in U.S.A, U.K., Mexico, Brasil, Germany, Bulgaria, Spain. MORE INFO http://voidnetwork.gr