Polkadot with new all-time high/Polkadot mit neuem Allzeithoch

in #deutsch3 years ago


Polkadot – bekannt für die Interoperabilität zwischen Blockchains – gab auf Twitter lang ersehnte Neuigkeiten bekannt. So verkündete das Netzwerk, dass die Registrierung für Parachains und Crowdloans von dem Polkadot-Ausschuss durchgewunken wurde und kurz vor dem Startschuss stehe. Dazu müsse im Anschluss nur noch eine öffentliche Abstimmung positiv ausfallen.

Demnach könne die Freigabe von Crowdloans ab dem 4. November erfolgen, kurz bevor die erste Parachain-Auktion am 11. November stattfindet.

Dabei war die Implementierung von Parachains die lang ersehnte, letzte Entwicklungsphase des Netzwerks, um seine volle Funktionalität auszuschöpfen. Diese Parachains sind parallel zur Haupt-Blockchain – der sogenannten Relay Chain – laufende “Neben-Blockchains”. Diese können an der Relay Chain andocken und sich deren Sicherheitsmechanismus zunutze machen.

Welche Projekte einen Platz auf diesen Parachains bekommen, entscheiden mehrere Auktionen. Je nachdem auf welcher Neben-Chain das Projekt platziert werden soll, müssen die jeweiligen Entwickler entweder mit DOT oder KSM – der Coin von Kusama, einer Art “Experimentier-Chain” des Polkadot-Netzwerks – ein Angebot abgeben.

Wie BTC-ECHO zuvor berichtete, birgt die Einführung des Parachain-Features großes Potenzial für den Krypto-Space.

Ich zitierte aus folgenden Artikel...



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Polkadot - known for interoperability between blockchains - posted long-awaited news on Twitter. The network announced that the registration for parachains and crowdloans had been waved through by the Polkadot Committee and was about to start. For this, only a public vote would have to be positive afterwards.

According to this, the release of crowdloans could take place from November 4th, shortly before the first Parachain auction takes place on November 11th.

The implementation of parachains was the long-awaited, final development phase of the network in order to exploit its full functionality. These parachains are parallel to the main blockchain - the so-called relay chain - running “secondary blockchains”. These can dock on the relay chain and make use of its security mechanism.

Several auctions decide which projects get a place on these parachains. Depending on which side chain the project is to be placed on, the respective developers have to submit an offer either with DOT or KSM - the Kusama coin, a kind of “experimental chain” of the Polkadot network.

As previously reported by BTC-ECHO, the introduction of the Parachain feature holds great potential for the crypto space.

I quoted from the following article ...


Ps. May the bullrun of the altcoins begin ...

Ps. Möge nun der Bullrun der Altcoins beginnen...


Thanks you sir for sharing @der-prophet 👍

We have to keep in mind that their native currency has increased in recent months, this is important for people who have intentions to invest.

I can say that it is living its golden age, not only because the price of its currency has risen, but also the network performance, since block chains have been created for the validation as well as for the security of the transactions.

Aunque Steem continues to rise we will be waiting for what may happen with the introduction of Parachain has great potential for the crypto space. Everything that brings benefits is welcome. Greetings, thank you .

Haii bapak apa kabar @der-prophet, semoga harga steem terus naik ya pak, terimakasih banyak atas informasinya sangat membantu sekali 💯👋

bitcoin juga akan menarik Steem dan Hive dengan itu

I have my polkadot in my binance. I have a binance where i bought random coin with small amount and leave it for years.

be careful with Binance! prefer to subtract your cryptocurrencies from Binance. I don't find the stock market entirely trustworthy.

look for a desktop wallet or buy a ledger

Crypto coins are rising.

The crypto is going too high. It will be interesting to see the surge in next few months.

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