fireworks - Feuerwerk Paderborn 2018
At the beginning of this month I had already posted some fireworks photos which I took at the Lunapark fun fair in Paderborn. Today I went through my photo collection again and discovered a few more useful photos. However, only very small areas of these photos were an interesting explosion. Therefore I have only cut out the interesting areas of these photos. Of these pictures I would like to present three pictures, which I like best, here.
Anfang des Monats hatte ich schon ein paar Feuerwerkfotos gepostet welche ich bei der Lunapark Kirmes in Paderborn aufgenommen habe. Heute habe ich meine Fotosammlung noch einmal durchforstet und noch ein paar brauchbare Fotos entdeckt. Allerdings waren bei diesen Fotos nur recht kleine Bereiche ein interessantes Explosion. Daher habe ich diesen Fotos nur die interessanten Bereiche ausgeschnitten. Von diesen Bildern möchte ich euch drei Bilder, welche mir am besten gefallen, hier vorstellen.
Wow! Geile Fotos
Amazing fireworks photos. I like it. Thank You
Ist das noch vom Neujahr??
Posted using Partiko Android
Excellent shots, have a look at the ones I took recently , share some love
Very nice shots! How many photos did you take (good and bad)? lol I take maybe 40 and get only 5 really good ones
Stunning photo. What are the settings used?
Please help vote have me@rezaj
Hey @cryptoriddler! Nice fireworks photos. I am looking for some new fireworks images to use in my "+100 Followers Milestone" posts, like this recent one : So my question to you is : May I use any/all of these photos (above and is in the other post you mention) in my milestone posts in the future? I will, OF COURSE, add a mention to your profile whenever I may use the photos, which will hopefully draw some new followers in for you. Please let me know. I will only use the photos IF you respond and give me permission. Plus, I will take a screenshot of your comment (if you give permission) as a form of proof of our "gentleman's agreement" (assuming , of course, that you are indeed a man ;->) Anyway, nice shots...
Hahaha well said. U got humour bro.
You really captured some beautiful clear pictures of your experience. Thanks for sharing them.
Hallo Cryptoriddler die Bilder sind ganz ganz toll da hast Du wirklich ein paar tolle Momente erwischt, das muss ein schöner Abend gewesen sein.

mit sonnigen Grüßen aus Andalusien
Don Thomas
Please help vote have me@rezaj
Amazing fire works....didnt see such type of before